Page 14 of Band of Brothers - MFMM Menage Romance (Sweet Treats 8)
“You mean, you want to sample me?” she asks in choked voice. “All three of you? At once?”
Fred nods.
“We’d love to do that, sweetheart, and my only question is: would you enjoy that too?”
The air goes silent, even as it pulses with energy. June opens her mouth to speak, but what is she going to say? Will she indulge herself and give into pleasure, or has the well already been poisoned by today’s disastrous turn of events?
I stare at the men before me, unable to comprehend their words.
“All three of you?” I whisper. “Sharing me? But how?”
The brothers exchange a look.
“It’s easy,” Finn says.
“Well, not easy,” Forest interjects. “It takes some stretching, and you might limp for a little while afterwards. But you look like the type of girl who might enjoy being with three men. What do you think of the idea, June?”
I stare at them, my mouth opening and closing wordlessly a few times.
“What do I think?” I finally manage to parrot. “Oh jeez.”
The brothers share another look.
“Baby relax,” laughs Fred. “Today has been a big day, and we understand if you’re not thinking straight. But let’s go with first impressions. How would you like to take all three of us at once? Does it excite you? Titillate you? Or does it make you want to run screaming for the hills?”
My eyes go wide as my heart rate accelerates. Oh my god, this is like a dream come true. I’d just been fantasizing about this a week ago, and now, it’s actually here. And on the heels of my aborted initiation too. Who would have guessed?
Yet, I’m shy because I don’t have a lot of experience with men. My past attempts at dating are so pathetic that I don’t even count them as “dates.” They were more like study sessions with sweaty, pimply teenage boys who tried to touch me between chapters. So instead of answering straight away, I try to stall for time.
“But you’re brothers,” I manage in a small voice. “Isn’t there something dirty and wrong about that?”
Forest, Fred and Finn nod knowingly.
“It’s filthy and illicit, but in case you’re wondering, we don’t touch each other,” says Fred smoothly. “At least I try not to. Our swords don’t cross because we’re not about other men. We’re solely focused on the woman,” he clarifies.
“It’s better for her that way,” adds Forest. “She gets all of our attention, and with three men, it can be overwhelming at first. But most women like it actually. They come back to us, begging for more once they get a taste of the good stuff.”
I can hardly breathe while these words sink in. Clearly, the brothers often do three on ones, and it tantalizes me. What would it be like to be with these experienced OTT alpha males? What would it be like to feel three sets of hands on my skin, three generous mouths, and then finally, three huge, hard poles?
Moisture gushes between my thighs and I sigh a bit. My body feels loose and open, and suddenly, I want it. Today has been such a shitshow, but it’s also broken down my barriers. I am only me, June Merchant, and I don’t want to fight whatever it is I’m fighting anymore.
“Yes, I’d like to,” I say quietly. “If that’s what you’re offering.”
Immediately, the men are on their feet.
“We’re offering,” states Fred abruptly.
“We have a room upstairs,” adds Finn.
“We’d like to go now,” grinds out Forest.
I have to smile at their dominance and insistence because it’s attractive. Again, I’ve only been with teen boys who cried when they got C’s on midterm exams. By contrast, these alpha males know what they want, and aren’t afraid to reach for it. They take my small hand in theirs, and help me to stand before slipping the high heels on my feet. Then they stand back, their blue eyes blazing.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous,” growls Forest, his big form practically blocking out the light. “Are you ready?”
And for the first time today, I can speak the truth.
“Yes,” I smile at them. “Show me the way, Daddies.”
Holy shit, it’s really happening. When we first got the hotel room for tonight, I didn’t think we were going to use it. If anything, my brothers and I would get soused at the after party and then stumble upstairs to sleep it off. There weren’t any thoughts of women, much less an innocent, beautiful teen girl.
But now, June’s going to allow us to sample her curves, and I can’t wait. The four of us enter the elevator, and Finn, Forest and I stare at her with undisguised hunger. Her lush bosom presses against the thin silk of her dress, with those hard tips like bullets. I have half a mind to rip the fabric from her curves right there, but instead, June takes things into her own hands.