Page 20 of Finding the Right Man
“Figured it was a good way to relax. And I feel better knowing that Michael’s busy transporting all of our decorations to the wedding venue. I just hope he doesn’t forget anything. So, what are you doing here all by yourself?”
“Just enjoying the view of the water,” I replied, turning back to gaze at the ocean. But she saw my lie anyway.
“Hey,” Faith said, placing a hand on my arm. When I looked back at her, she’d taken off her sunglasses, and I could see the concern in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
What’s wrong?
That was the same question that Bowen asked, and I knew that I should have answered it. I owed him an explanation, but it was too humiliating. I didn’t think I could stand to see the disappointment in his eyes. But I needed to talk tosomeone.
“My life is a disaster,” I said, not sure how else to start. “I made a huge mistake by sending my last boyfriend nudes pictures of myself.”
“Did he show them to his friends or something?”
“Worse than that. He posted them online. There are...nudepictures of me on some porn website.”
Just saying the words out loud made bile rise in my throat.
“Oh my God. no wonder you’re upset.”
“Yeah, but that’s not why I’m out here alone. I slept with Bowen.”
Faith smiled. “Well, I guess that’s some good news.”
“Except that it’s a guaranteed scandal. Brian won’t take the pictures off the website, and someone is bound to connect the dots and realize that the woman seen with Bowen O’Neal is the same one baring it all online. I can’t do that to him.Orme. My job is already on the line and my sister is embarrassed by the situation. I don’t need a bigger spotlight on me.”
“What does Bowen say about all this?”
“I haven’t told him. I just couldn’t do it. I’m too ashamed.”
I was twisting my fingers together in my lap anxiously at the thought, and Faith reached out to place her hand on top of mine.
“I get that. Really, I do. But you should come clean with the man. If the media does link him to your nude pictures, that’s not a great way for him to find out.”
I groaned and slumped, letting my head drop in defeat. Damn it, I never should have sent those stupid pictures to Brian. I had no idea that it would ruin my freaking life. All the issues with my job and sister aside, now I had to worry about Bowen’s reaction to it. He was the first guy I ever felt like I could really fall for and he would probably never speak to me again when he found out what I’ve been hiding from him.
I knew that Faith was right. Telling him was the right thing to do, but I justcouldn’t.The idea of it made my heart ache. It was better to just distance myself from him now, to make the choice to end things instead of telling him and risking his disgust and rejection.
“Thanks for listening,” I said, and Faith nodded. She didn’t press me further about telling Bowen the truth, and I appreciated that. Still, what she said lingered at the back of my mind as we started chatting about the wedding.
All I could do at this point was hope that no one ever figured out who Bowen was locking lips with in that picture. That would be the best thing for everyone.
Iwasn’t surprised when I didn’t get an answer at Marlee’s door. I had waited a few hours before coming to talk to her, giving myself a chance to calm down. Once I pushed aside the hurt I felt, all that was left was concern. I was worried about her. The raw panic she’d shown at the sight of that picture of us was gut wrenching. I didn’t want her to ever feel like that, but I couldn’t fix the problem unless she clued me in to what the issue was.
Then, I’d move heaven and Earth to make it right for her.
I sent her a text, asking where she was, but the lack of response was no surprise either. Based on the way she acted this morning, I knew that I was going to have to make an effort to track her down and get her to talk. It was a good thing that I was a determined man.
Taking the elevator down to the lobby, I figured I’d check the beach first, then the nearby boardwalk. There were only so many places that were within walking distance and I knew that she hadn’t rented a car or golf cart.
But as I was crossing the lobby, I spotted Michael. I met him at the hotel bar two nights ago when I once again had a hard time sleeping. It felt like fate or something when we started chatting and I found out who he was. We’d gotten to know each other over a couple of beers, and I liked the guy.
Changing directions, I approached him. Michael was carrying a box and as I got closer, I saw that it was full of rolls of white tulle. I remembered what Marlee said this morning about helping to decorate for the wedding tomorrow.
“Hey, Bowen,” Michael greeted with a fleeting smile. “I’m heading to the wedding venue. Got to get things ready for the big day tomorrow. I just forgot this box of tulle when I took the decorations earlier.”