Page 14 of Finding the Right Man
Marlee looked at me. “Do you want to—”
I shook my head. “I already know how to fly. You do it.”
“I’m not sure…”
I squeezed her fingers again and leaned in close. “This is an adventure, Marlee. Don’t let fear hold you back.”
She met my eyes, and I felt a longing swell up inside of me. Our faces were only separated by a few inches, and I wanted to close the distance between us. I wanted to kiss her and taste her…
“So, what’s it going to be? You want to fly this bird?” the pilot asked, oblivious to the moment he was interrupting.
“Yeah,” Marlee said, a nervous excitement in her voice. “I’ll do it.”
She moved up into the seat next to the pilot and he talked her through the process of flying. She was tentative as she took over the controls, but I kept my gaze on her face. There was wonder in her expression as she got the hang of it, and it transformed her from pretty to utterly stunning.
She flew us toward the south end of the island with the pilot directing her where to go. She was a natural, and after a few minutes, the pilot started to point out things to see on the island. There was the location of an idol built by a tribe that lived on the island a hundred years ago, a tall wooden structure that was carved to look like a God that they worshipped. He also directed our attention to a river that ran through the heart of the island and windmills that were set up in a field, spinning in a synchronized motion together.
I looked out at the island, realizing that there was a whole history to this place that I never considered before. It was more than just beaches and hotels on the water. There was day-to-day life here outside of the parts of the island that attracted the tourists.
Finally, he took control of the helicopter again and flew us back toward the place where we started. It had been an hour, but the time flew by. By the time we landed, I could tell that Marlee was glad she’d went on the helicopter tour. She was grinning ear-to-ear as I helped her step out of the chopper, and I couldn’t help myself. I brushed hair out of her face, just like the day we first met, and cupped her cheek. Her hazel eyes widened as I moved in closer. She tilted her head, and I pressed my lips to hers, finally kissing her the way I’d been fantasizing about since the day she almost knocked me over in front of the hotel.
It was electric, and I felt my entire body firing to life. A hunger I’d never known before rose up inside of me, and I slid my free hand around her back, pulling her in closer. My tongue traced the seam of her lips, and they parted as she melted into me.
I forgot about where we were as I explored her mouth, tasting the sweetness of her. My desire flared, and my cock grew heavy inside my pants.
“Uh, guys?” the pilot said, and cleared his throat. “My next tour group is here, so I’m going to need you to clear out.”
Marlee pulled away from me at the sound of the pilot’s voice, and I saw a sweet blush spread across her face as she looked first at him, then at the group of three people that were standing twenty feet away, watching us. I didn’t really care what they thought, but she was clearly embarrassed.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, taking two steps away from me.
I didn’t like that distance between us. “Come on,” I said, grabbing her hand. I wasn’t going to apologize for finally kissing my girl. Because that’s what she was, whether she realized it or not.
This woman wasmine.
We got back in the golf cart, and I took us back to the hotel. I kept feeling like Marlee’s eyes were on me, but every time I turned to look, she was watching the road in front of us. It was cute, like we were playing a game. But I couldn’t wait to get her alone so that we could pick up where we left off.
When we arrived, I had every intention of taking her straight to my suite, but my phone rang as we walked up the steps to the hotel entrance. I was tempted to just ignore it, but when I saw that it was Sam, I remembered the email I sent him last night about the script.
“Sorry, I need to take this. Give me just a minute,” I said to Marlee as we walked into the lobby. “Hello?”
“B-man, it’s Sam.”
“I know,” I said, exasperated. Did he think I didn’t have his phone number programmed into my phone with his name attached? “Did you get my email?”
“Yeah, and I was confused until I realized that I fucked up. I sent you the wrong script.”
I frowned in confusion. “What?”
“You read the one titled The Professor, right? That’s not the script that was meant for you. Trust me. I have one that’s a much better fit. It’s called The Long Night. It’s about a cop in Brooklyn trying to stop a terrorist plot.”
I dragged my hand through my hair in frustration. “You’re kidding, right? I liked the one you sent me. It’s fresh and different. I can really show off my acting skills and broaden my horizons with it. I don’t want to play just another action hero.”
I wandered over to the large glass windows at the front of the lobby while Marlee lingered in the seating area, waiting for me. I didn’t want to be rude to her, but this was important.
“But that works for you, man,” Sam argued. “Look at the money you’ve made. I choose the scripts I send you for a reason.”
“What do you mean, youchoosethem? You don’t send me all the opportunities that become available?”