Page 7 of Royal Wolf's Bride
Kimber, like everyone else, knew Hailey was lying. “Please tell me,” she pleaded with her friend.
“David, the guy in security who Sergio is seriously crushing over, discovered something while doing some snooping. The card has been used again since then.” Hailey sighed. “Jagger, it took two of us to make the twins. Don’t blame Mikhail. Kimber is just as responsible.”
“I know,” he quietly agreed. “When was the card used?”
“Promise me, you and the guys will behave,” Hailey begged.
Jagger glanced at the other three men, and Kimber held her breath. Her brother again met Hailey’s gaze. “We promise. When was the card used?”
“About half an hour ago, guess who’s coming back to town?” Hailey sighed. “Only this time, he isn’t coming alone. The booking is for two.”
Kimber couldn’t believe it and burst into tears. “Now I’m terrified. Maybe I was wrong. I was crazy to think I’d met my soulmate.”
“No,” Cammie told her and hurried over to her. “Have a little faith, no matter how hard, I know firsthand the anxiety. We don’t know anything about the second person. Even if they are beautiful and wearing a gorgeous engagement ring.”
Digesting Cammie’s words, Kimber understood. “So now what?”
“Hailey did her part. Now we do ours,” Nicco told her with a smile. “So, guys, any suggestions?”
“You must think I’m crazy,” Mikhail stated as he and Luke walked into the office building which housed Blackheart, Lombardi & Kirsch Attorneys at Law. “Traveling halfway around the world for the woman?”
“No, your highness. I believe when you know, you know. My father told me a wolf always knows.” He paused, then continued. “Permission to speak freely?”
He nodded. “Of course,” Mikhail replied. “And from now on, don’t ask my permission. Just express your thoughts and opinions.”
“Thank you.” Luke met his gaze. “I think Suzette is a poor choice. Her father is a good man, but there are stories, she is ruthless behind her pretty smile. Her older brothers are believed to be vigilantes and have attacked their clan.”
Mikhail nodded. “I appreciate your honesty and integrity. Your family has always been loyal to the throne.”
Luke smiled. “When I took over for my dad, your father looked at me and said he wasn’t comfortable being guarded by someone the same age as his son.”
Grinning, Mikhail looked at the other man. “What did you say?”
“I told him I would be happy to excuse myself and allow him to have someone older and slower to protect him.”
He couldn’t help but laugh and could imagine the unamused expression on his royal father’s face. “I like you, Luke. We’re going to get along. Maybe I should put in a request to have you do my watch.”
“I’d like that,” the other man admitted. “So, why are we at a law firm and not a private investigator?”
Sighing, Mikhail pushed the elevator button. “Because this firm is highly recommended for our kind and one of the partners is also an investigator. I have no clue how my father came to get their name. You know my dad, though, nothing but the best.”
“Yes, there is that,” Luke teased as the elevator arrived and they stepped on. “Would I be able to get a social life if I took over your watch?”
Mikhail turned to Luke and laughed as the doors closed. “Help me find the girl, and I’ll see what I can do.”
“I don’t like Suzette’s family, so I’ll do whatever I can.” There was something off in Luke’s tone. Mikhail began to wonder if there was something the other man wasn’t saying. “I’m sensing a story. I’d love to hear when you’re ready to tell.”
Luke turned and looked at him. “There wasn’t proof, but a lot of deniability. However, my gut tells me something different.”
Mikhail didn’t like the sound of that. “You will have my undivided attention, and I’m a firm believer in following one’s instincts.”
“As am I,” Luke answered. “Thank you, your highness.”
“Please don’t call me that. I have a first name; please use it. I want to appear as normal as possible,” he confessed as the elevator door opened. “Here we go,” he stated and stepped off the elevator.