Page 23 of Royal Wolf's Bride
“You want to believe that,” Kimber laughed. Be my guest. However, if you genuinely believed Mikhail was destined to be yours, you wouldn’t be such a jealous bitch.”
“We were promised to each other when we were children,” Suzette explained, then laughed cynically.
Kimber pulled back her sleeve. Baring the mark Mikhail’s teeth had left. “Then why did he bite me?”
Surprise washed over Suzette’s face before pure rage sparked in her eyes. “Liar!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
“No, I’m not,” she replied. Uneasiness rocked the acid in her stomach. “Mikhail marked me. I’m his,” Kimber replied in the calmest voice she could muster. “If you hadn’t doused yourself in so much perfume, you’d be able to smell him on me. Mikhail may have been promised to you, but, bitch, I’m his mate.”
Suzette screamed at a high pitch which then shifted to a fierce growl. “Then that is all the more reason to tear out your throat. You won’t be anything when you’re dead.” Her body shook in a blur of flesh melding with fur. She shifted into a large light brown dire wolf. Her lip curled back, and she growled.
Kimber hated the fact she would break her promise to Mikhail and the guys. She was about to shift when the hotel room door broke down and a large bear barreled in focused on Suzette.
The wolf growled, focused her attention on the bear, and then backed up. The large grizzly popped its jaw and huffed before releasing a loud growl. He lunged toward the wolf, and the wolf snarled, Suzette attacked, and Kimber knew her window was closing fast.
She bolted toward the door and exited the room while the two animals battled it out. Kimber pressed the elevator button and noticed the other suite door had been destroyed. The growl of Suzette and a loud wolf howl resonated through the entire floor. The elevator doors opened, and Kimber hurried inside and pounded on the close door button. Heavy wolf paws hitting the ground at a run thudded against the carpeted floor.
The doors closed as Suzette lunged.
Kimber pressed the down button with a shaking hand. Tears blurred her vision, and her stomach hurt as the elevator lowered. So did the tears that had welled up in her eyes. She counted to ten and then hit the emergency stop button. The alarm sounded, and she stumbled back against the wall. Never in her life had she felt as much like a coward as she did right then.
Not even when she had left Mikhail in the hotel room eight weeks ago.
She slid down, sat on the floor, and brought her knees up to her chest. Despite having just acted like a weakling. One thing comforted her.
Kimber had done as she was told and, in turn, kept her promise to Mikhail and the guys.
The loud cracking of wood breaking and the thud of the suite's door at the opposite end, hitting the floor, echoed down the hall. Fear immobilized Mikhail, and he sunk his teeth deeper into the hind leg of one of the Saracens dire wolves.
Jagger bit and clawed at the other Saracens brother. A violent growl from the other end of the hall ricocheted through the hallway walls, followed by bodies crashing and thudding.
Mikhail wanted to run to Kimber but heard the sounds of a bear. The dire wolf in his grasp snapped at Mikhail, and terror over Kimber’s safety fueled his rage. He locked his teeth down hard and tugged. The wolf’s leg snapped, and the beast howled in agony.
The fighting across the room stopped, and the tiger stalked over and roared, then wiped at the struggling wolf, down the hall, screams, and furniture breaking haunted Mikhail. Jagger and Luke’s wolf forms ran from the room to the other suite. The only way they would have left the other Saracens wolf was if he was dead.
One down. One to go.
The tiger swiped at the wolf, who continued to snarl and claw. A loud wolf howl echoed and chilled his bones. It was the sound of one dying.
A large paw with claws extended raked across the wolf’s throat. The fur and flesh tore, and blood splattered.
The battle and commotion at the other end of the hall came to a stop. It was quiet. Too quiet. The Saracens wolf ceased struggling as life left him.
His animal comrades paused, and Mikhail met Luke’s gaze. A silent understanding passed between them. Rourke sauntered over as a lion from the area he’d been with Jagger and Nicco. The sound of elevator doors opening snapped Mikhail back from his moment of remorse and thought of Kimber. He turned to see paramedics rushing toward the other room.
“We’re going to need a stretcher, one of them called, and a body bag,” A male voice he didn’t recognize called.
Sheer terror ran down Mikhail’s back, spun, and then bolted toward the other room.
Fear continued to fill Mikhail’s heart and soul as he entered the hotel suite the group had used for the base. Furniture was broken, and blood had sprayed against the walls and furnishings.
In truth, it looked like a war zone.
There lying motionless was a light brown dire wolf. By scent alone, he knew it was Suzette. Her perfume clung to the air. His body shook as he shifted into human form again. He used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the blood from his face and glanced around.