Page 44 of The Trashy Virgin: A Menage Romance
She came tearing down the drive towards our trailer, brunette curls flying, face flushed before hurling herself into my arms.
“Brent,” she gasped, her face pressed against my jacket. “I’ve missed you.”
This was new. Katy’s never been affectionate in public, so this was a turnabout. I bent my head to her, holding her tight, and murmured into her curls.
“Come on, pretty baby,” I said, my voice low and rough. “Let’s go inside.”
And with my arm around her shoulders, we walked up the steps into our home. The trailer was the same as always, nothing had changed in the two weeks she’d been gone. Oh wait, Jason had installed new cabinets and damn, those babies gleamed and shone, classy and elegant in the small space.
“Where is he?” she panted, brown eyes wide, looking around. “Where’s Jason?”
The big man stepped from his room then, his form tall, broad, intimidating, looming in the doorway.
“Here,” was all he said, voice low.
Because the last two weeks have been hard on all of us, but especially Jason. I have the benefit of decades, I’ve been through the wringer emotionally with years of seasoning of years under my belt, so deep down, I wasn’t worried. Of course, there are no guarantees, but I had the distinct feeling that Katy would be back, that she’d find her way to us sooner or later.
But with Jason, it was different. The young alpha didn’t have the benefit of experience and had been heartbroken when she’d left, even if it was just a temporary pause like she promised. He’d thrown himself into work, disappearing into his shed, hammering this and that, the buzz of power tools going late into the night. And the good part was that we’d come out with these beautiful cabinets. The bad part was that the big man had been like a fucking bear these past two weeks, huge, dangerous, silent most of the time, growling when spoken to.
So to see the object of our love, our affection, our lust, suddenly materializing like out of a dream and looking better than ever was a jolt to the heart, a shot to the nervous system.
“What are you doing back?” he growled, eyes shuttered.
And Katy, bless her heart, stepped forward like an innocent doe right into the crosshairs of the big bad wolf.
“I love you, Jason Smith,” she said softly, taking a work-roughened hand into her small one, “and I want you to know it. I want you to know that I’ll never leave you again, either of you,” she said, turning to include me, “and I’m so sorry I left.”
But Jason wasn’t letting up so easily.
“Oh yeah?” he growled, yanking his hand away. “And what’s different?”
Katy colored, to her credit, but the girl stood firm, her expression determined.
“It’s me,” she said softly. “What’s changed is me. I know you think the time away was bullshit, but I had a breakthrough,” she said with a gentle smile. “I realized how much I loved and missed you, and how details can always be worked out later. What’s important is that we’re together, that we savor each other’s love and support one another.”
But Jason still wasn’t having it. He can be one mean motherfucker and wasn’t giving in that easily.
“Okay, so you had some Buddha moment and now see the light?” he asked scornfully. “What, you dropped some acid and rainbows and unicorns appeared?” he asked sarcastically. “Because maybe it’s not the same now, maybe we don’t want you.”
I shook my head, exasperated. This was so fucking juvenile, I had to step in. Jason and I had done nothing but pray for Katy’s return, I’d watched his suffering first-hand, how he’d thrown himself into work like a beast to take his mind off our girl. And there was no sense in going down this road to hurt Katy, to make her suffer too.
“Let’s not get nasty,” I intervened calmly. “What’s important is figuring this out.”
But the big man was a stubborn motherfucker, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, but I want to hear it from Miss Know-it-All,” he growled, staring at Katy, blue eyes penetrating. “So what’s your solution? What’s the answer to all this?”
And to her credit, Katy didn’t lose her temper, instead taking a deep breath.
“I don’t have an answer,” she said softly, looking him straight in the eye.
He let out a grunt then, turning away.
“Thought so,” he grunted dismissively. “I’ll be in my room.”
But this was where Katy stepped up to the plate again, and I was never so proud. She put her curvy body between him and the door, literally blocking the way, and tipped her chin up at him, pressing her small hands against his chest.
“No Jason,” she said softly. “Like I said, I love you and we’ll figure it out together. That starts now.”
And reaching up, she placed her lips on his, craning her neck to meet his form, his mouth unresponsive at first. But feeling that pink pout, those luscious breasts pressed against him made the man burst into action. Jason was on her like white on rice, his hands trailing possessively, caressing those huge tits, stroking her curves, even running through her thighs, touching her sweet spot like he couldn’t get enough.