Page 40 of The Trashy Virgin: A Menage Romance
“Of course, honey, of course,” he rumbled deep in his throat. “We get it. You’ve never been with anyone and wanted to spread your wings before settling down,” he said smoothly.
“Yes, exactly,” she sighed with exasperation. “And I don’t know why he,” she paused to shoot me a glare, “doesn’t get it. Because we haven’t worked anything out. We haven’t hammered out any logistics, how we’re going to share, how this is going to work. So yeah, I took advantage of the waiting period. And so what? You could have too.”
I growled then.
“You’re right, we could have but we didn’t,” I snarked. “You didn’t see us with other women. You didn’t see me with Ms. Smith or Brent with that waitress. You know why? Because we’re happy with the way things are, we don’t need external approval.”
Katy looked ready to jump me then, eyes flaring, her small hands forming claws. But Brent grabbed her before she could get testy.
“Let’s calm down,” he soothed. “Let’s not get crazy, you’ve got us in your body Katy, this isn’t the time to fight.” Because yeah, my dick was still in her ass and Brent was buried in her pussy, so it was amazing that we were even having this conversation.
But Katy couldn’t be stopped.
“You guys don’t get it,” she said in a low voice. “Things are different for women than men. I keep harping on logistics because when people find I’m sleeping with both of you? I’ll be labeled the town whore. That’s why I keep pushing for details, details, details.”
And that stopped me short because she was right. The world has a lot of double standards, and this was one that benefited Brent and I. As males, we could use as many girls as we liked, even share women, and people would see us as gods, huge, hung studs with multiple notches on the bedpost. But for Katy, it was different. Any whiff of scandal, any hint that she was doing two men at once, loving us, sharing her body, mind and soul with two men was death to her reputation, she’d be labeled a whore with a big scarlet letter, shamed and treated like a leper.
So I paused, troubled. Buying time, I eased my dick out of her ass, watching it exit smoothly, the girl trembling and shaking as my length reappeared, deep pink and lightly smeared with white. And oh fuck, but a bit of cum dripped out of her butt, smearing against Brent’s dick as he pulled out as well, his shaft slickly shiny, Katy’s pink lips hugging him tight.
“Oh!” she cried, boobs trembling as her holes gaped. “Oh!”
And the ramifications hit home for me. Because now there was white dripping from both holes, a mix of mine and Brent’s semen trailing from her body, and it looked fucking good, jacked me up to sixty miles an hour just like that. But the thing is most people don’t think that way. Folks are judgmental, they hate what they can’t understand and knowing that Katy had two men’s semen mixing in her, coating her sweet privates, would cause havoc, labeling her “that trashy girl.”
So I paused again, chest heaving, dick wet against my thigh.
“So what do we do?” I ground out. “What’s the solution?”
Brent, ever the smooth operator, stepped in.
“I think a better question is what Katy wants,” he rumbled, seizing her eyes with his. “Tell us, baby girl, what do you want? You’ve made it clear that you have some reservations, that you’re not sure how this is going to work out despite the fact that Jason and I love you,” he said smoothly.
And I nodded furiously then, because if nothing else, I adored this girl, absolutely worshiped her, and wanted what she wanted, even if it broke our hearts.
“But,” Brent continued, “our set-up is non-traditional, for sure, and there’s no clear path forward. We’d have to tread lightly and figure out how to do this while we’re doing this,” he added wryly. “So what do you want, little girl? Is there something we can do to help you decide, help you figure out the right path for you?”
And Katy sat up a bit then, still nude, her huge breasts pendulous and creamy, her twat and ass sticky with our combined come. But those brown eyes were serious as she gazed at us, stirring me to the core.
“Brent, Jason, I don’t know,” she said softly, the fight gone out of her. “I just don’t know. I’m so new to this, to dating, to men, and to ask me to commit to a threesome right away is scary, you know? I mean, I love you so much, but the ramifications are insane. I guess,” she said, hanging her head a bit, “I just need some time. I asked for the forty-eight hour waiting period because I wasn’t sure, and now,” here she paused and took a deep breath, “I need a little longer.”