Page 4 of The Trashy Virgin: A Menage Romance
And Jason and I have noticed for sure. Who couldn’t? The sweet scent that trails off her skin at all times, the warm brown eyes that you could drown in, fuck … like I said, I should be shot for having these thoughts. And the brunette doesn’t make it easy for us either, tantalizing us in the most innocent of ways.
But I’m a grown man and I’m not going to give into my baser instincts, I refuse to let myself become that dirty older guy. But good intentions are just that, and I’m a man, a man with needs despite everything. I can get women, don’t get me wrong, but it’s left me feeling empty inside lately, you know what I mean? I don’t need another hanger-on who stinks to high heaven of cheap perfume, her breasts saggy and draggy with leathery orange skin. Not when I have the real thing right under my own roof, temptation and innocence wrapped into one, tantalizing me day and night. And it all went to shit one day when I came home from work early, letting myself into the warmth of the trailer, stamping my feet in the doorway, coming to a stop when I saw Katy.
Because the brunette stood at the sink washing dishes in nothing but a tiny camisole and booty shorts, nipples poking out, creamy thighs on display with that huge ass like a shelf.
“Brent,” she said with a welcoming smile, her voice low. “What are you doing back so soon?”
I could have asked her the same question. I thought she had some errands, something to do for her upcoming stint at beauty school, so it was surprising to see her home at four in the afternoon.
“I’d ask you the same thing,” I growled, devouring that fine, sassy form before forcing myself to look away. Fuck, she was so gorgeous, those huge jugs almost breaking free, the way her ass was so curvy and rounded.
The girl flushed.
“I- I thought I had practice today, but the model didn’t show so I came home early,” she panted, grabbing a dish towel, futilely trying to cover her breasts. I almost laughed, the dishtowel was about the size of a postage stamp and no match for her huge girls. Besides, I’d seen those tits before, it happens when you live in such a small space. You catch a glimpse of other people’s bodies and Katy had a body that made mine rev like a Ferrari, my motor going deep and hungry. I literally couldn’t say anything for a minute, brain frozen, imprinted with the image of her generous curves, that sweet expanse of skin on display.
But disgusted, I forced myself back to reality. Like I said, I’m not gonna be that dirty old man that everyone talks about.
“Job got out,” I grunted, still not looking at her. “They let us go early today.” Much good my efforts to be respectful were. I could see still see Katy in my mind’s eye, those huge breasts, that generous ass burned on my irises. “Where’s Jason?”
And the brunette shrugged a little, smiling at me helplessly, still covered by nothing but the panties and tiny camisole.
“He’s at school,” she said. “Ms. Smith wanted to talk to him about career options, maybe a job as a dental hygienist or even a physician’s assistant.”
I growled under my breath. Dentistry? Being a fucking physician’s assistant? Jason was a man and he wasn’t going to be doing a job like that, fuck no. I’d already set him up with an apprenticeship with the union, you can make six figures after a few years, so fuck that dental assistant crap. But if I wasn’t mistaken, this Ms. Smith character was probably after Jason’s tail in the physical sense. Our boy had grown into a tall, strapping man with a curve to his dick that couldn’t be missed and Ms. Smith probably had the hots for this new-grown man.
“Tell him that the apprenticeship pays better,” I grunted, still trying not to look at Katy. “No need to discuss other career options.”
“Oh sure,” she breathed, still pressing the dishtowel to her breasts. “Jason knows that, I think … um, that Ms. Smith was insistent, that’s all.”
I grunted again, my instincts were obviously spot on. As an alpha male, you can sense hungry females coming at you from miles away, and fuck, I’d encountered Kim Smith a couple times in the past, that horny viper wasn’t shy letting me know she was available in any way that a man might imagine.
But the Kim Smiths of the world were no comparison to Katy, no comparison to the brunette’s lushness, her innocence, the big brown eyes that still stared at me.
“Put something on,” I grunted again, heading to the dinette. “Don’t parade your ass like that.”
The girl blushed.
“Of course not, I was just going to take a shower,” she murmured, biting her lip. “I’ll just be a sec.”