Page 5 of Paying The Rent (Forbidden Fantasies 58)
Tanya stares at me.
“It’s just a sandwich, Jess. Don’t stress. Why don’t you just go out and grab something from down the street? We’ve got plenty of fast food places to choose from and there’s lots of time. I’ll cover for you if you don’t get back, even,” she offers.
But my fists clench because I can’t explain to Tanya how broke I am. It’s too embarrassing and a hot flush rises in my cheeks. My friend would be horrified if she knew that I’ve been skipping meals to cut corners, and then she’d probably offer to help out. But I can’t accept, not when I know I wouldn’t be able to pay her back.
“I’m going to find him,” I growl. “I’m so hangry that I can’t even speak.” With that, I storm out of the break room, intent on confronting the new guy. Who does he think he is, stealing other peoples’ lunches? I swear, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind and I don’t care how hot this Jethro is.
I reach the dressing room and shove open the door. To be honest, wardrobe assistants pretty much go wherever we’re needed, so this room isn’t off limits. But fortunately, Jethro is the only one inside, and right when I enter, he takes a huge bite of MY apple. The crack is so loud that my ears almost pop.
“Damn, that’s good,” he munches before a black brow lifts as I step inside. “Can I help you?”
My anger reaches a tipping point, and that’s when I let out a scream of rage.
“EEEAWWW!” the beautiful brunette brays. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
I stare at the woman, utterly stupefied. She’s gorgeous but there’s also steam streaming from her ears. Her cheeks are flushed, her bosom’s heaving, and she’s snorting and stamping like a bull on a rampage.
Of course, I’ve seen angry women before but this particular filly takes it to a new level because she’s attractive even when angry. Those curves are sumptuous in a t-shirt and jeans, and I can’t help but notice how the denim hugs her large ass and thick thighs. I take another bite of the apple, the crack ringing through the room.
“Um, do I know you?”
She opens her mouth and brays again.
“EEEEAWWW!” the pretty brunette screams. “That’s my apple! And that’s my sandwich! Have you no manners?” she spits out wrathfully. “That’s my lunch!”
I take another bite of the apple I took from the community fridge. To be honest, I thought anyone could take any of the food in there, but thinking back, maybe I was wrong. Oh shit. But still, I shoot her a cocky grin.
“This is your lunch?” I ask with mock surprise. “I had no idea.”
That sets her off and she literally begins to shake.
“You… you… JERK!” she screams.
I cock my eyebrow. “Seriously, lady, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You sure you have the right guy? I swear I’m not the one who’s fucked you over.”
Her face goes a mottled red and she purses her lips together. Then, the screaming begins again.
“You ASSHOLE!” she yells. “You’re literally holding the evidence!” she grinds out, staring at the apple core in my hand. Then, the girl darts to the trash can and fishes out an empty wrapper which has the name “Jessie” scrawled on it. Oh shit. I didn’t even see that when I opened the sandwich. Come to think of it, it was a bit plain with just ham and bread, but it was enough.
“You fucker!” she screams again. “Can’t you see that I labeled it with my name? This says J-E-S-S-I-E clear as day.”
I nod.
“Yeah, but maybe my name’s Jessie too,” I say in a snarky tone. “You know, both males and females can be named Jessie.”
That throws her over the edge and to my horror, tears start to spill down the pretty woman’s cheeks as she looks at the crumpled paper in her hand. There’s something very pathetic about this situation, and my heart contracts unexpectedly.
“Listen,” I say in a soothing tone. “It’s just a simple mistake over a sandwich. It’s not that big of a deal.”
Her eyes snap up, still filled with fire.
“Oh really,” she bites out in a sarcastic voice. “You think it’s not a big deal that you ate my only meal of the day?”
I squint.
“Really? That’s all you were going to consume? No breakfast or dinner? How are you even standing right now?”
She turns away, but not before I see another waterfall of tears stream down her cheeks, and suddenly, I’m consumed with guilt. Obviously, what was to me nothing but a minor infraction is a huge deal for this woman, and I fumble for my wallet among my things.
“Listen, let me make it up to you,” I say quickly, pulling a twenty from the billfold. “Take this and get yourself something to eat. Seriously. I’m really sorry about the misunderstanding, and if I’d known…”