Page 25 of Paying The Rent (Forbidden Fantasies 58)
Jessie looks at me with a quizzical expression.
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell because seriously, the whole tree thing was kind of free use at its finest, right? I mean, anytime, anywhere? We definitely stretched the kink to its max today.”
I chuckle.
“Yeah, I guess so.” I swallow hard. “But the thing is, honey, that well … I think we’ve gone beyond free use, right?”
She looks puzzled, so I take her white take-out box and set it next to mine on the table. Then, I grab her hands and take another huge breath, feeling like I’m standing at the edge of a cliff. Hell, is Jethro Stills nervous because of a woman? This is a first, but it really is happening, and my stomach clenches up tight as sweat breaks out on my palms. I take another huge breath and look into my woman’s deep brown eyes.
“The truth is, Jessie, you’re so much more than a free use relationship to me now. Don’t get me wrong because a physical relationship is all I wanted at first. When we set up this living arrangement, it was just going to be about access to your body, and that’s it.”
She nods, her eyes wide.
“I remember. So what’s changed?”
I take another deep breath, my heart just about pounding out of my chest.
“Well, this time with you has been perfect, is all I’m saying. You’re an amazing partner, but I think I’m done.”
She looks puzzled.
“Do you want me to move out? Is that it?”
Immediately, I shake my head.
“No no no. I’m just saying that it’s not about our physical connection anymore. Or at least, it’s not just about that. I want all of you because I adore you, honey. This whole thing may have started as a convenient arrangement for us, but I want everything now. I want to make us official.”
Tears well up in Jessie’s eyes as my heart hangs in the balance.
“You mean like a boyfriend and girlfriend?” she asks in a small voice.
“Yes,” I say gruffly. “Exactly that. With hearts, Valentine’s Day, flowers, and all the good stuff that goes with it. I want you to move in here because you want to be here, and not because you need a roof over your head.”
Jessie begins crying then, and I’m panic-stricken. Oh shit. Have I read the situation all wrong? Does she not want this?
“I’m sorry, if this isn’t what you’re looking for,” I begin in an agonized tone, but then Jessie interrupts me.
“No Jethro, it’s definitely what I want. I love you too and I guess I was so scared because I thought you were done with me. I thought our relationship was over, given that whole tree incident. After all, it was pretty crazy, right?”
I lean forward and kiss her. “It was pretty crazy, but that’s what I love about our relationship. You’re inventive, creative, and with a silver tongue that charmed that park ranger until he was smiling like an idiot. How could I not love you, woman?”
With that, the curvy girl throws herself into my arms, Chinese food forgotten. We kiss as I pull Jessie close, savoring her lushness while my heart bursts with joy. After all, we never anticipated this. I moved out to Vegas to be a dancer, sure, but also to find a woman to fulfill a particular itch I wanted scratched, and Jessie delivered. But now, our relationship has turned into so much more, and I’m grateful because the curvy girl deserves to be adored, and I’m just the man to do it.
Six months later.
I set my backpack on the break room table and sigh blissfully. Maybe my pack is heavy, but inside, my heart’s light because instead of nursing textbooks, this semester, my backpack’s filled to the brim with books about birds.
After all, Jethro encouraged me to switch majors and it’s worth it. The day I went to the registrar’s office and made the change, I felt like I could breathe freely for the first time in ages. No more organic chemistry or human anatomy. Instead, I’m taking courses on entomology, ecology, and of course birds, birds, and more birds. Who knows what will happen? Maybe after my degree is done, I’ll be able to get a job as a ranger at a nature preserve. After all, I connected with Ranger Steve on the BirdWatch app, and while we’re not exactly friends, I wouldn’t hesitate to reach out if I have questions about his particular career path.
But for now, I’m taking it easy because soon after the incident at the reserve, I got pregnant and my belly’s beginning to show. At that moment, Tanya waltzes into the break room and gives me a hug hello.
“I swear, somehow you get more beautiful every day,” she gushes. “I’m so glad you’re still with Thunder Strike even though you’re pregnant because who will I talk to when you’re on maternity leave?”