Page 34 of Sick Crush
She held the key in her palm and stared with tears in her eyes. She nodded. “Are you sure?”
“It’s important for me to know you are safe. It’s also just as important for me to know you feel that way. So, yes. I’m sure.”
She tugged me down onto the bed. Forgetting about our time limit and being late for school, she kissed me with the same passion that exploded from within my heart.
Corrine looked back down at the key and held it to her chest. “You’ve made me feel like the most special woman in the world.”
I kissed her hand. “You are. And it’s long overdue for someone to make you feel that way.”
I reached for her, dragging her nude body into my arms, holding her with all my strength. She raised her face, waiting as I lowered my head, my lips coming down on hers for a long, ravenous kiss. A kiss that made time stop. She cuddled into my arms, taking a deep breath of my scent.
But it was time to face the outside.
“Shower time,” I said, reaching around and swatting her ass.
“Fine,” she said as she put her hands on her hips, “but only if you promise to make me those tamales you raved about tonight.”
I watched her walk to the bathroom completely naked, her brown hair cascading down her back. “It’s a date,” I called after her.
She looked over her shoulder at me and winked. “Care to join me?”
Fuck yes, I wanted to join her, but I also knew that if I did, we would be late. We still had to swing by the mechanic’s on the way to school because they had called and told her that her car was ready. Her having her own vehicle would make things easier. We didn’t risk being seen driving together, and we had already made room in the garage so she could pull in and keep her car concealed.
“Come on, hurry up,” I ordered, feeling excited to start the day only so I could end it with her.
But the day most definitely became your classic Monday. I had no idea how awful and long the day would be now that I had a taste of actual fun with Corrine. It seemed like one thing happened after another, students were acting up all over the place, and the drama was high in every corner of every hallway. To top it off, I had to confront Shelly and officially call off whatever it was that we had. I couldn’t risk any more surprise visits now that Corrine was staying with me, and though Shelly took it well, it sucked, and I wasn’t even entirely convinced she was taking me seriously.
It had been one hell of a day, and just as I was getting ready to start packing up, I decided to try calling Corrine’s mother again. We needed to do something. As much as I enjoyed having Corrine in my life, and even in my bed, I knew that we needed to address the stalker issue eventually. We couldn’t keep sneaking around with her living at my place. We were bound to be discovered… and yet, I didn’t want it to end either. But I did want her safe, and that would be my first priority.
But in addition to wanting Corrine safe, I wanted her fucking mother to give a damn about her wellbeing. Yes, I felt that Corrine and I had reached a level in our… relationship that I could help her vet some security guards and make sure we got the right person in place. I also could help her with updating her alarm system and adding cameras.
I could also keep a closer eye on that Kevin kid, because there was a high chance that this was just a matter of a pimple-faced boy having a crush and no balls to express it. I could be there for Corrine, and I planned to, but I also knew she needed her mother. She needed to know that someone out there loved her and would be by her side no matter what. She needed her god damn mother.
I was actually surprised when someone picked up the phone. So much so, that I wasn’t quite ready to speak.
“Hello?” The voice sounded jovial, loud, excited. There was some kind of party going on in the background.
“May I speak with Candy Parker?”
“Ms. Parker?” The loud music in the background made it very difficult to hear, and I could only imagine how hard it was for her to hear me.
“Hello?” She giggled and yelled at someone to lower the music.
“Ms. Parker,” I said again. “This is Mr. Dawson, the school principal at Black Mountain Academy. I’ve been trying to get hold of you for days.”
“Oh, sorry. We’ve been at sea, island-hopping. I sometimes get a signal on this yacht, and sometimes not.” The music lowered but was still loud enough that I was growing frustrated. “Who did you say you were again?”