Page 6 of Devil’s Deceit
"All I need is a name," I say.
"Then I want a guarantee that she's in the clear," Jude says, holding my gaze. "You give me a guarantee that you won't be knocking on her door with a warrant with her name on it, I'll see about getting you a name."
"Done," I growl.
"I want it in writing."
Fuck. Of course he does. Jude Despora is a beast of a lawyer. Every DA in the state hates going up against him because he doesn't lose, and he never backs down. He chews them up and spits them out like they're first-year law students. Out of the courtroom, he's a helluva guy. But once he takes a case, he has no quit. If he wants this in writing, he won't budge until he gets it in writing. Which means I have to convince Forsythe and Johannsson to sign off on this shit pronto or Jude won't be asking Catriona a damn thing.
That's going to be a problem. She worked in his pawnshop, where her brother sells stolen goods and launders money. She's not a Viper and never was, but Forsythe is holding her future over her brother's head to keep him complacent. I don't think Forsythe has any intention of charging her. He's not that big of a dick. But she's a piece on the board, surreptitiously keeping her brother in check. Convincing Forsythe to give her up is going to be a bitch.
This whole case is a pain in my ass.
"I'll see what I can do," I growl.
"You do that," Jude says.