Page 54 of Devil’s Deceit
Fireworks detonate behind my eyes in a whirlwind of colors. I cry out, clawing down Devil's back and biting into his shoulder to keep from waking our four-year-old daughter. He grunts my name, holding me down on his cock as I convulse around him. Blood rushes in my ears in a torrent of sound, shutting out the rest of the world.
"Fuck yeah," he groans. "Just like that, Jessie baby."
I whimper into his skin, slumping against him in a sated, sweaty heap. My heart pounds as aftershocks rock my system, exhausting me. My eyes flutter, fighting to close. I'm so sleepy. I just want to nap.
The thought sends indignation roaring through me.
I gasp and pull back to glare at my husband. "You did that on purpose," I growl.
"Fuck yeah, I did," he says, smirking at me. "And I'd do it again too." He palms my ass, gripping it roughly as he pushes away from the wall and stumbles toward our bed, his pants around his knees. "You needed something to settle your ass down."
"You're the one being bossy."
"You're the one not following orders."
I roll my eyes, choosing to ignore him. Mostly because he's right. I've never been particularly good at following orders. Especially when ignoring his are so much more fun. But I know he's worried about me. It's my final year of law school, and I'm five months pregnant with our baby boy. It's been tough. Especially with our daughter. She's an exact replica of me…which is honestly terrifying.
She's sassy and willful and stubborn and never listens to anyone except her daddy. She's too smart for her own good and far too advanced for her age. She likes to cause trouble and talk back and never takes crap from anyone. In short, her daddy thinks she's perfect. Her teachers do not agree. At least twice a week, they're calling us or sending a note home.
She's been blacklisted at two preschool programs already. I blame Devil. He is one menacing papa bear when it comes to his baby girl. The first time the preschool director suggested spanking her, he hit the roof. I thought they were going to call the police to remove him. We were quickly informed that Madelyn wasn't welcome back.
The second school tried to punish her for kicking a little boy who was bullying her. Devil flipped out about that too. He informed the school that it's people like them who teach girls that abusive behavior is tantamount to love and that they should shut up and take it. Only he used a lot more curse words. They didn't have to threaten to call the police. Devil threatened to do it himself to report them for child abuse. I thought I was going to have to drag him out of there.
Needless to say, he's not allowed to attend meetings at her new school. It's the only one left in the entire area. If she gets booted from it, we're out of options. I love him so much for protecting her as fiercely as he does, but I know what it's like to be her. She desperately needs teachers and structure and friends. They may be hard to come by as she gets older, and her little mind grows. Being the smartest kid in the room can be lonely.
I know my parents did the best thing they could have done for me when they skipped me ahead, but it wasn't easy. I worry that it won't be any easier for her. The world hasn't changed that much. Boys are still boys. They're still intimidated by smart girls. So are men.
I got lucky and found one of the good ones. He supports me no matter what. He loves me no matter what. He's so proud of me and makes sure I know it every day. My life is a fairytale because of Devil. Okay, so maybe that's pushing it a little bit. My life is a dirty fairytale with a hot biker who has a ridiculously foul mouth and a filthy imagination.
It's awesome!
He's still as bossy as ever. Actually, scratch that. He's bossier than ever. Which means I'm mouthier than ever. He loves every minute of it. Nothing gets him hotter than when I defy him or tell him no. Nothing drives him crazier than when I talk back or make him work for it. He wasn't made for a gentle spirit…and I wasn't made for a soft man. We were made for each other. We fit each other exactly right.
I love him so damn much. He tells me all the time that he'd lay down his life for me, Madelyn, and the baby without hesitation. I'd do the same for them. They are my universe.
Devil is the space in which I exist, the thing that contains me. I move through him just like he moves through me, soaring endlessly. I'm his sun, the thing he keeps always at his center. The thing he guards and protects at all costs. Madelyn and the baby are our stars, the things that give us shape and define us. The things that shine light into the dark and light up every corner of the universe.
On our own, we're simply one formless piece. Together, we're everything. Risk and the MC are their own little universes. They have their own families, their own suns to protect. But they're still borne of the same chaos. They still form the same space. They're still ours.
Risk and Devil are good now. Things were tense for a little while, but my brother couldn't hold a grudge once he saw for himself how fiercely Devil loves me. I think Pen had a hand in that. She's always been one of my biggest cheerleaders. It took Devil a long time to rebuild trust with the MC, but he did it. The FBI came sniffing around a few times, but Devil sent them packing every time. I'm not sure what he has on Agent Forsythe, but once he threatened to tell the whole world what really happened, they stopped coming around.
Things have been…peaceful. Well, as peaceful as they can be for an MC. Satan's Savages aren't a problem any longer. Most of their members are in prison for trafficking or dead. Those who remain don't bother us. I think they still remember what happened last time. They leave us alone and we leave them alone.
Devil works private security for real now. He's good at it. I guess everyone wants an ex-cop-turned-outlaw-biker watching their backs. Well, except me when I'm trying to do things and he's not cooperating. Like now.
"I need to study," I complain, trying to wiggle out of his arms.
"Uh, no. You need to sleep."
"Creed, dammit." I narrow my eyes on him, giving him my best dirty glare.
He just shakes his head and deposits me in the bed anyway, muttering under his breath about stubborn, pain-in-the-ass pregnant women. Like I can't hear him. "Pop your ass out of this bed and I'll set your books on fire, Jessie baby."