Page 4 of Devil’s Deceit
"Younger or older?" I ask.
"Younger. Nineteen." He scowls at the car ahead of us. "Jessie. She's too fucking smart for her own good."
"They always are at that age."
"No, I mean literally. She started college at sixteen."
"Jesus." I glance from the road to him. "That's young."
"Who the fuck are you telling?" He shoots me a grim look. "Our parents died in a wreck when she was a senior. I worried my fucking ass off that some asshole would fuck with her. Drove her crazy, I guess. I've tried to back off, but she still says I'm smothering her."
"Are you?" I ask point-blank.
"Shit, probably," he says with a shrug. "But she's my kid sister. I know the shit she's been through and what it's cost her. She may think she's grown, but there are things in this world that she never needs to know, you know? If I gotta smother her to keep her safe, that's what I'll do. But goddamn, she doesn't make it easy."
"I feel you." I don't have siblings, but I'd be the same way if I did. Risk and I may have come at it from two different sides of the law, but we're inherently the same. We protect those who deserve it and deal with those who don't. We've both seen enough shit in our lives to know what people in this world are capable of doing. "Men are assholes."
"True motherfucking story," he says. "I'm going to lose my fucking mind when she starts dating. She's too beautiful. Plus, she likes to get herself into trouble."
"Just pray she picks an accountant or some boring asshole, yeah?" I say with a laugh. "And not someone in this type of life."
"Christ," he mumbles, wiping a hand down his face. "That's my worst nightmare right there."
"An accountant or someone in this life?"
"Either. Both." He scowls. "Knowing my luck, he'll be an accountant by day and in the fucking mob by night."
I chuckle, shaking my head. Poor bastard. I'm glad it's him and not me. The last thing I need to worry about right now is a woman. And Risk has two on his mind. I'm not stupid enough to ask him about the other one though. He'll talk about that one when he's ready.
We drive in silence for a while, both lost in our own thoughts. Mine are a million miles away, trying to work out how to get intel on the Savages without blowing my cover. Don't get me wrong, I've gotten a lot of information already. I know just about everything the brothers have to tell. But it's not what I need. I need to know where the Savages keep the women and where and how they do their auctions and trade-offs. I need names and evidence.
I need a snitch, someone in the Savages who isn't as down with this shit as the rest of the club. If we can flip one of their members, we can pull the whole damn club down. I'm just an impatient son of a bitch. Patience hasn't ever been my strong suit. I want this done with.
You're losing sight of the mission, asshole.
I ignore that little voice, refusing to go there. I can't shut it out entirely though. Isn't that the problem? Every day I spend with the MC, the louder it grows. They're growing on me…Risk, Tank, Ruin, Crow, Sin, Rule, Dare, the other brothers. A lot faster than I thought they would. A lot deeper than I expected. It's a problem.
"I never thought I'd be driving horse jizz around," Risk says when we pull up outside the Silver Spoon MC ranch fifteen minutes later. The place looks nothing like the Diamond Kings' property. The Diamond Kings' compound is a converted barn and a bunch of cabins surrounded by several acres of pastures. This place screams money.
"Life goals," I say, hopping out to grab the cooler. When Risk makes a move to follow me, I quickly shut him down. I need to speak to Cash and Jude alone, for one. For two, Risk is in a worse mood than I am. Ruin will be pissed if we offend these fuckers. "Stay here while I deliver the goods."
"Are you sure?" Risk asks, his tone letting me know he doesn't like it.
"Yep." I glance at him over my shoulder. "I have a little personal business to conduct."
Risk grunts but doesn't say anything. If he wants to ask, he won't. Since the Silver Spoon MC aren't one-percenters, any business done here wouldn't be seen as a threat to the Diamond Kings. Besides, Risk knows I've got money of my own. Maybe not as much as some of these fuckers, but I'm not hurting for it either. For all he knows, I'm after one of their bikes.
I jog up the steps and pound on the door.
It takes a full minute before I hear shuffling on the other side. And another thirty seconds before it finally opens.
"Who the fuck are you?" a grizzled old biker asks, looking me up and down.
"Devil," I mutter. "From the Diamond Kings." I hold up the cooler. "Ruin sent me to deliver the horse jizz you guys ordered."
"Shit." The biker looks from me to the cooler. "That's supposed to go to Cowboy next door."
"I need to see Cash or Jude."