Page 33 of Devil’s Deceit
"Good," Risk grunts. "It's about damn time you started living."
I eye him suspiciously. "Who are you and what did you do with my brother?"
"I am your brother, brat."
"Uh, no. You're the crazy person who's possessing his body because I've been yelling the same thing at you for like the last three years!" I cry, flinging my hands out wide. I accidentally smack in him the chest in the process, but he kind of deserves it so I don't apologize.
Pen laughs quietly.
"Ah, hell, Jess," Risk says, shrugging sheepishly. "Maybe I realized you're right. I've been holding on to the reins too damn tight, okay? I thought I was doing what was best for you, but the truth is, I've been hellbent on doing what was best for me." He rubs a hand down his face, puffing out a heavy breath. "If you didn't grow up, I didn't have to worry about losing you."
"Risk," I whisper, stunned.
"You're the only family I've got left."
"I'm not going anywhere." I fling my arms around him in another fierce hug. "No matter how old I get or how grown I am, you will always be my family. You will always be my brother. I'll always need you. That's not ever going to change."
"You're damn right it's not," he growls, squeezing me tight. And then he kisses me on the cheek and sets me back on my feet before hitting me with a dark scowl. "You still aren't allowed to date. Ever."
"Risk," Pen says, smacking him on the shoulder for me.
"She can date if she wants to date."
"I like her way better than you," I inform him, sticking my nose up in the air.
"That's because she's crazy too," he mutters, earning another smack from Pen. "Woman, if you don't stop trying to smack sense into me."
"Well, if you had any…" she sasses, making me giggle.
He growls at her playfully.
I watch the two of them, my heart full. Pen is his one, his future. He's going to be just fine with her. She's exactly who and what he needs to complete him, just like Devil is for me.
I flick my gaze in the direction of his cabin again, counting down the hours until the sun goes down and I can see him again. Far too many still stand between me and him.
"Devil!" I squeak, my heart leaping into my throat when he grabs me from behind and yanks me behind a tree.
"Shh," he growls in my ear half a second before his mouth comes down on mine. His kiss is hot and heavy, his grip on me possessive.
I moan into his mouth, clinging to him.
"You weren't naked in my bed last night," he grunts, biting my lip.
"I couldn't get away." Trying to sneak out is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I've only successfully managed to do it twice all week. Most nights, Risk and Pen hear every move I make…or I hear every move they make. Let's just say that there are some things I could have lived my whole life without hearing my brother say to a woman, even one as amazing as Pen. Thank God for noise-canceling headphones.
Not getting time with Devil is driving me crazy. We've been able to sneak a few stolen moments here and there, but it isn't enough. I miss him desperately. I know he feels the same. He's turned into a giant grump again. He watches every move I make, glowering, snapping at everyone. No one has told Risk about us. I think they're trying to stay out of it and let us handle our own business.
Eventually, I know we have to tell him. But…not yet.
Devil grunts again and then presses me deeper into the shade of the tree. "Did you make yourself come last night, little one?"
"No," I whisper, meeting his hunter's gaze.
"Good girl." He smirks at me, already flicking open the button of my jeans. "You don't touch my pussy without my permission."
"Creed, what if someone hears us?"