Page 28 of Devil’s Deceit
"Where are we?" Jessie asks, staring all around when I help her off my bike.
"You asked for something real," I murmur, undoing the strap beneath her chin and pulling the helmet off her head. Her blonde hair tumbles in messy waves, gleaming like strands of gold in the sun. "This is it."
She glances at me and then at the house, her brows furrowed. "This is yours?"
"It is."
"You own it?"
I smile at the shock in her voice.
"I used to be on the motocross circuit," I murmur, placing her helmet on the seat of my bike. "So was my father. It was good money." Most of it still sits in a bank, untouched. I've never had much use for it aside from picking up the occasional new acquisition for my bike collection. I've seen what money does to people, what it turns them into. Look at Roach and the Savages. The evil men are willing to do to put a little change in their pockets is nine kinds of fucked. I leave mine where it is, waiting for the day I have a wife and kids to spend it on.
Maybe that day isn't as far off as I thought. I didn't use a condom with Jessie last night. She could be carrying my kid right now. How fucked up is it that I hope she's carrying my kid right now? A sassy little girl who turns the world upside down just like her mama?
"Wow," Jessie whispers, shielding her eyes to look up at the house. "It's beautiful, Creed."
"Not like you are." I hook a finger into the pocket of my leathers, using it to tug her toward me. My dick presses up against her belly, nestling into her softness like he's making himself at home. "This place ain't got nothing on you, little one."
"Yeah?" She smirks up at me, her aqua eyes shining with humor. "You aren't so bad yourself, you know."
"Glad you approve." I tip my head down, brushing my lips across hers in lazy passes. "Because you won't be seeing anyone but me for a long fucking time."
"Thank God."
I nip her lip. "What'd I tell you about that God shit? My name is Devil. You use it or Creed when I've got my hands on your body."
"Yeah? Then I guess it's a good thing you don't have your hands on my body, huh?" she sasses. Her tongue twists with mine, her erotic kiss turning my blood to steam. She's unskilled, new to it. But something about the way she's so fearless is utter perfection. She learns quickly too. Within seconds, she's got me fighting for control, trying like hell to remember that I've got to keep my dick out of her today.
"Behave," I growl when she bites my bottom lip.
"Where's the fun in that?" she whispers, reaching for my zipper.
I grit my teeth, growling a curse when she trails the back of her hand across my erection and then tugs the zipper down. I don't tell her no, though. The word doesn't fucking exist in my vocabulary when it comes to her. It hasn't since the day I met her.
"I've been thinking," she says, reaching inside my jeans to wrap her small hand around my shaft. The tips of her fingers trail against my sac, and I nearly tumble her to the ground beside my bike and fuck her right there.
"About what?" I pant, watching her through slit lids as she toys with me. The little minx knows exactly what she's doing. I see it in her eyes. The thrill. The pleasure. She knows she's driving me wild, and she loves it.
"About your cock," she says.
"What about my cock, Jessie?" I growl.
She finally stops fucking with me and pulls my dick out of my pants. Her aqua eyes meet mine, full of curiosity and something deeper, something darker. "How it tastes," she whispers, working her hand up and down my shaft. "How it feels in my mouth. How much of it I can fit down my throat before I can't breathe."
"Jesus Christ." My stomach clenches. Cum spills across her knuckles and down her wrist. She watches it, her expression enraptured, her pupils dilated with lust. "Where the hell did you come from, Jessie? You're the horniest little virgin I've ever met. The filthiest too."
"It's your fault," she mumbles, her gaze fixated on my cock. "I never wanted these things until I saw you for the first time. Now, it's all I think about. I want everything, Devil." She releases my shaft, bringing her hand up to her face.
It's my turn to watch her in rapt fascination now. Her pink tongue darts out, her eyes locking with mine as she sticks her tongue to the sticky cum making a rope down her wrist. She pauses for a second and then excitement fires in her eyes.
"Mm," she moans. "Salty."
I snap like a bowstring wrapped too tightly. "Take the leathers off, Jessie. Now."
"But I wasn't finished."
"Good. Neither am I. Take them off. Tits out. I want you on your knees."