Page 17 of Devil’s Deceit
Chapter Five
TheSavages'territoryis rundown and used up. Their president, Roach, is a piece of shit. I'm not surprised their territory reflects it. It's hard to take pride in a goddamn embarrassment. Roach is that and more. We just found out that he bought Sin's girl from her junkie boyfriend. Sin is ready to go to war to protect her and I can't say I blame him.
But Cowboy thinks we may be able to handle the situation without it coming to that. He seems to think that his childhood friend Hawk might just be willing to flip on Roach. It'll be a regular ole' coup. They've had their talk with him already. Now, it's my turn. Catriona Grady couldn't give me anything useful. She knows nothing about the Savages. So I followed Hawk home from the sit-down tonight. Despite looking over his shoulder the whole way, he didn't even notice me.
He goes straight to the Savages' clubhouse, only to emerge an hour later, stumbling drunk.
I circle to the back of his shack and slip inside.
By the time the front door opens, I'm waiting in the shadows for him.
"Don't fucking make a sound," I growl, putting my gun to his head and cocking it as soon as the door closes behind him. He doesn't even have time to turn on a light.
He goes stock still, barely even breathing.
"We're going to have a quick chat. You're going to tell me what I want to know. You aren't going to yell for help. You aren't going to do anything stupid. You aren't going to send anyone after me when I leave," I say, speaking quietly. "If you do, I'm going to destroy your entire fucking world. Do you understand?"
"Who the fuck are you?" he asks.
"Right now? Your worse goddamn nightmare," I mutter. "Do you understand?"
"I understand," he mumbles, sounding far more sober than he looked five minutes ago.
"Your club has been trafficking girls."
"That's Roach."
"It's not only Roach and you know it. Danny Spangler held his pregnant girlfriend hostage for months. She had no medical care and gave birth to her baby in your goddamn clubhouse basement," I growl. "The baby, a little girl, nearly died. None of you attempted to get her care. You all watched that little girl fight for her life and didn't say a fucking word."
Hawk doesn't say anything. He can't because he knows I'm right. To keep their secret, they would have let that baby die. Maybe he didn't have a choice; maybe he did. That's not my call to make. But he did the crime. Now he gets to do the time.
"You're going to give me names," I say. "Everyone involved in the scheme. Where the girls are being held. Everything."
"Man, I don't have that information."
"You're going to get it."
"How the fuck am I supposed to do that?" he asks. "Roach doesn't tell anyone shit."
"Two hours ago, you agreed to hand him over to the Diamond Kings," I remind him, tapping him on the back of the head with my gun. If he hands Roach over, Sin is going to kill him. I know it. He knows it. Everyone knows it. But Forsythe won't make a move against the Savages now. With Sin's girl, we have enough to topple Roach, but that's not enough for Forsythe or the task force. They want the whole club. So Roach is dead either way. He might as well die being useful.
If getting him out of the way means Hawk takes his place, then we have a chance at stopping a war between the Kings and the Savages. Hawk gains access to every kernel of information Roach had. Right now, that's what I need. Johannsson will yank my badge without hesitation when this is over. But fuck it. I'm running out of time, so I'm going off the books.
If they didn't want to do this my way, they shouldn't have fucking sent me. I never have been good at playing by the rules.
"Jesus H. Christ," Hawk groans. "You want me to turn him over."
"I want you to do what you already agreed to do. The chips will fall where the chips fall."
"Who the fuck are you?"
"Devil." Funny how quickly the name has started to fit. The deeper into this goddamn case I get, the more faces I seem to wear. I'm no longer sure which is my true face…or if I ever knew. Cop, biker, Jessie's man. All at odds, and yet all perfectly in agreement, too. On her. On this. It's the right thing to do, even if it's the wrong way to do it. She's the right thing too. The only thing. I become more certain of that by the day.
She looked beautiful today, my little iele. Hell, she's looked beautiful all week. I can't fucking stay away from her no matter how hard I try. I've been skulking around her campus all week, watching her, protecting her from afar, obsessing over her.
"You're their new member," Hawk says.