Page 12 of Devil’s Deceit
"Will do," I agree, talking to his back. He's already jogging down the steps, headed back toward the clubhouse. If things are popping off with the Savages, I don't want to wait until tomorrow to find out what the fuck is going on. But no one is rolling out, so I don't think whatever is happening is going down tonight.
"Devil?" Jessie says from behind me, her tone wary. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, baby." I push the door closed and flip the deadbolt. "Everything is fine." I turn to find her hovering in the hallway like a nervous little lamb. It's the first time all day she's shown an ounce of fear. The thought of her being afraid doesn't sit right with me. I don't like it.
She gives me an anxious smile before her aqua eyes slide away from mine.
"Come here," I demand.
Her gaze shifts back to mine. "Why?"
"Because I want you over here."
"Well, I'm fine right here," she says, her stubborn chin lifting into the air.
I bite my tongue to hide a smile as the nervousness bleeds from her eyes, replaced with that fiery attitude that's had my dick hard for the last two hours. That's more like it. This girl is as sweet as they come. But she is no shy little lamb. She's a meteor lighting up the night, as fiery as she is bright. When she forgets it, I'll remind her. Even if I have to piss her off to do it.
"And if you come over here, I won't tell Risk that you were snooping for porn beneath my bed." I'm not telling Risk shit, but she doesn't need to know that. I pause for effect. "And through my drawers and closet because we both know you also went through those while I was in the shower."
"I was not snooping for porn!"
"It's the first thing you mentioned."
"I…you…" She splutters in outrage, her cheeks turning pink and then red. "It was an observation."
"Or a guilty conscience."
"I'm going to murder you in your sleep," she swears, stomping across the cabin toward me. She throws her arms out wide when she's two feet away. "I'm here. What?"
I crook a finger, beckoning her closer.
She takes a tiny step.
I motion her closer.
One more tiny step puts her within my reach.
I snag her around the waist, pulling her up against my chest.
She squawks like an angry little bird, but I don't miss the way she goes boneless in my arms. Jessie Long, my pretty little iele, isn't fooling anyone. She likes me. A whole helluva lot more than she wants to admit.
"How much did you hear?" I ask.
"Most of it."
I figured as much when I saw the look in her eyes. "So long as you're on this ranch, you'll be safe, do you understand?"
"I…yes," she whispers.
"Risk may not be here to protect you, but I am. I won't allow anything to happen to you."
Her gaze shifts across my face, her expression indecipherable. "Who are you, Devil?"
"A man of his word, Jessie baby."
"That's not an answer."
"It's the only one I have to give you."