Page 69 of Chosen By A Sinner (Sinners 4)
Together we can take out the threat so we can enjoy the rest of our damn honeymoon.
Watching my man load a clip into his gun is so freaking hot.
Now’s not the time, Mariya.
But, damn, he looks badass in black cargo pants and a long-sleeve shirt.
Luca lets me clean his flesh wounds and bandage them. I didn’t even broach the topic of going to the hospital, knowing he wouldn’t stand for it.
Luca’s phone starts ringing. “It’s Viktor,” he tells me before taking the call.
Thank God.
We’ve been waiting for Viktor to track Pavlovic, which he’s able to do now that the man has surfaced from his hiding place.
Coward. He doesn’t have the balls to come face to face with my husband.
Luca puts Viktor on speaker, so I can hear.
“I’ve tracked him from Amsterdam to Utrecht. The last footage I got of him was at a traffic light on Voort… fuck I can’t pronounce it. I’ll text you the name of the damn street.”
“Thanks,” Luca replies. “We’re hitting the road now. Let me know if you get new info on his whereabouts.”
“I can be there in ten hours if you want to wait for me.”
“No, I’m not giving him the chance to get away,” Luca snaps. “We’re ending this today.”
“And Mariya?” Viktor asks.
“I’m going with,” I answer.
“Kick ass, little sister,” he growls. “Empty your gun in the fucker for me.”
“I will,” I promise.
Ending the call, Luca and I take our luggage to our rented SUV, then go back to the suite to arm ourselves to the teeth.
Not giving an ounce of shit what the other guests in the hotel will think about the two of us carrying weapons and wearing armored vests, we leave the suite again.
“You look so hot,” I mutter as the elevator doors shut behind us.
Luca chuckles as the doors slide open on the third floor, and an elderly lady blinks at us before they shut again.
I let out a sigh, “We definitely won’t stay here again.”
“Yep,” Luca agrees.
The elevator doors open on the first floor, and we step out. People move out of the way, whispers following behind us.
Just like my parents, we’ll become the power couple to fear after taking care of Pavlovic.
Once we’re in the SUV, Luca drives us to Utrecht, only twenty to thirty minutes away.
Viktor sends us an update.
Van Deventerlaan. The Express Holiday Inn.
I type out a quick reply.
Got it. Thanks.
When Luca stops at a red light, I show him the name of the street where Pavlovic is. With the help of GPS, we find the motel and slowly drive past it.
“I can go to the reception and pretend I’m a whore. They might give me the asshole’s room number.”
“There’s no fucking way,” Luca growls.
“There are easily a hundred rooms in that building. How will we find out which one he’s staying in?”
“We’re going to wait and watch.”
Chapter 46
We only wait two hours until I finally lay eyes on the man who’s shown more skill than most in our world.
“Ground floor. Corner room,” I mutter.
“I see him,” Mariya replies.
“You ready, baby?”
“I was born ready,” she mutters as she shoves her car door open.
The sun throws colors across the sky as it starts to set, and there aren’t many people moving around.
In the back of my mind, I worry why the fucker decided to make an appearance now.
After getting out of the SUV, I say, “Stay behind me.”
I love how Mariya obeys my commands without question. Well, besides, when I asked her to leave me so I could focus on hunting down Pavlovic. But she was right, I’ve seen her in action and know she can hold her own.
Not bothering to take a stealthy approach, I walk toward Pavlovic. His eyes lock on us, and slowly he comes to a stop, his hand reaching behind him. Mine flies up, and the fucker darts to the left.
I break out in a run, my finger squeezing the trigger repeatedly. One bullet slams into his back, but he’s wearing an armored vest, the force of the shot only making him stumble before he ducks around a corner.
Mariya manages to keep up with me, and as my shoulder slams into the brick wall when I take cover, she’s right behind me.
“You good, baby?”
“Yes. I’ll keep up. Do your thing.”
I peek around the corner, and not seeing Pavlovic, I move forward, my arms up with a gun in each hand.
Movement on a small hill behind the motel catches my eye, and I break out into a run again, setting after Pavlovic.
Crossing a quiet street in a residential area, the fucker ducks behind a tree.
Mariya and I take cover behind the low wall of a house on the corner.
“It took you a while,” I hear Pavlovic shout.
I take a deep breath of air before I reply, “Good move using Kastrati as a decoy.”