Page 63 of Chosen By A Sinner (Sinners 4)
Luca’s chest presses against mine, squashing my breasts, his lips brushing over mine as he starts to hit that spot inside me only he can find.
Another wave of pleasure crashes over me, my vision going spotty from how intense it is. I manage to whimper, and Luca inhales the sound.
He keeps fucking me until I’m a boneless mess beneath him, and when his orgasm hits, my body jerks from how hard he takes me.
Jesus. So freaking hot.
I watch as ecstasy washes over his features, his jaw clenched, and his eyes burning with the inferno of love he feels for me.
“Christ.” His arms tighten around me, keeping me locked to his body as he rides his orgasm.
Once he comes down from the high, he slowly fills me one last time. “Mia regina.”
I shake my head, then murmur, “My king.”
Chapter 41
Staring at the wedding dress, hanging against the wall in my bedroom at my parents’ house, I feel super emotional.
Even though Luca and I are married, I’m anxious. I’ve worked hard the past three months to make sure the wedding is perfect, and now that everything is out of my hands, and the day has arrived, I’m a nervous wreck.
When Dad comes in, he takes one look at my face, then holds his arms open. I rush into his safe embrace and give in to the nerves.
As if I’m not emotional enough, Dad says, “No matter where this life takes you, you’ll always be my baby girl, printsessa.”
“Oh, Daddy,” I sob like a baby.
He cradles me tighter to his chest, his voice hoarse as he says, “The day you took your first breath… Christ, Mariya,” he inhales deeply, trying to compose himself, and it only makes me cry harder. “You had me wrapped around your little finger from day one. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
I nod against his chest, sniffling, “I know. I’m so lucky to have you as my father.”
“You’ve chosen well, baby-girl. Luca will give you the world while killing anyone who threatens you.” He takes a deep breath. “You chose well.”
“I know. I’ve got good taste,” I chuckle. Pulling back, I look up into my father’s eyes. “I’m glad you approve.”
Dad lifts a hand and tugs on one of the soft curls I styled my hair in. “If you ever need me, I’m just a call away.”
I nod, a tear rolling down my cheek again.
“Besides your mother, there isn’t a soul alive I love more than you. You’re my world, Mariya.”
“Jesus, Daddy,” I mutter as the tears come faster, then I hug him again. “I love you so much.” My dad holds me until I manage to calm down again, but I have to swallow hard as I look up at him. “Thank you for being the best father in the world and spoiling me rotten.”
“You’re welcome, my little printsessa.”
I grin at him as I wipe the tears away from beneath my eyes. “You haven’t called me little in a long time.”
“Because you’ve grown into an amazing woman.”
“Only because of you and Mami.”
Just then, Mom comes into the bedroom. She takes one look at Dad and me, then points to the door. “Alexei! Stop making Mariya cry. Look at her face! The wedding is in two hours, and you’ve got her sobbing.”
Dad chuckles as he walks to Mom and silences her with a kiss, then he says, “I love it when you get all bossy. It’s a turn-on.”
“Daddy,” I shriek. “I don’t need to hear that.”
“How do you think you were made?” Dad chuckles as he walks out of the room.
“God, the older he gets, the more impossible he becomes,” Mom mutters as she grabs a tissue and starts to dab it at my cheeks. “You’re all blotchy.”
“The makeup will cover it,” I assure her.
Walking to my dressing table, I sit down. Then I pause and look at Mom. “Is there anything emotional you want to tell me that will make me cry?”
Mom lets out a chuckle as she comes to stand behind me. She adjusts some of the curls falling to the middle of my back. “No, sweetheart. Just enjoy every second of your big day.”
A sudden burst of excitement hits, and I jump up to hug Mom. “I’m getting married,” I shriek.
She lets out a burst of laughter, then shoves me back down on the stool. “Makeup time.” She scrunches her nose. “I should’ve hired someone to help you with your hair and makeup.”
I shake my head. “Hell no. I want to do it myself and know it’s done right. I’d kill the person for the slightest mistake.”
“Just like your father,” she mutters.
I chuckle, finding it amusing because I’m actually more like her.
Violet comes rushing into the room. “Sorry, I’m late. I totally overslept.” Her eyes land on me. She hugs my mom and gives my shoulder a squeeze.