Page 21 of Heal
I nodded in understanding, but it didn’t ease the guilt squeezing my lungs, making it hard to breathe. She drew in a deep breath. “I need to go check on her and a couple of other patients.” She stood and shook hands with all of us. “I’m not giving up on your daughter, and you shouldn’t either. She will return to you, and when she does, she will be the healthiest version of herself.”
“Thank you,” I rasped, too emotional and overwhelmed to manage much more than that.
She shook her head at me. “If you want to truly thank me, don’t give up on her, Mr. Brinson. She will still need both you and your brother when she is released.”
I shook my head. “She’s my world.” I’d never fucking give up on her.
The doctor smiled in understanding. “Just focus on being a good dad and let me take care of the rest.”
Once we were all alone in the room to gather our thoughts, I held Kira close to my chest, shut my eyes, and I cried. I cried in front of her entire family because I couldn’t fucking hold it in anymore.
My brother wrapped his arms around me, and Bailey’s family stood around me, offering me their support even though they knew as well as I did that I was part of the reason Bailey was in this situation.
I’m so sorry, baby girl. So goddamn sorry.
Bailey had been in the center for a week now. I was trying to help my little brother as much as possible, but I was struggling to find therightway to help him.
This shit had fucked with him badly. While we both knew that Bailey would come out much better, it didn’t make this any easier for him to deal with. I knew the guilt he was feeling was a bitch to cope with. For him, it didn’t matter what the doctor said. For him, it would always come down to the fact that either way, he was the one who knocked her up.
You couldn’t have postpartum psychosis without having a baby.
But today, Seth was getting his first visitation with her. The doctor was trying to ease us all in. Trent had already had two visits with her, and her mom and dad already had one as well. I would be last, but I was okay with that. After going through my own therapy weekly, I trusted that this doctor knew what she was doing.
Seth ran his hands through his hair before turning to look at me. Trent was babysitting Kira for us, and honestly, I don’t think he minded a single bit. That little girl was a big part of Bailey, and everyone was soaking up every bit of time they could with Kira, especially her parents.
And fuck, her parents—they were doing their best to not only be supportive of Bailey but Seth as well. I knew Ian talked with Seth quite a bit, giving Seth that father-son quality bonding time that none of us had with our own father. And it was helping Seth more than any of us thought it would.
“What if she freaks out or relapses?” Seth asked me, fear in his words.
I shook my head at him. “The doctor wouldn’t schedule this time with you if she didn’t believe Bailey could handle it. I know shit is rough for you right now, little bro, but she still needs you despite everything. So, go in there, pretend not a goddamn thing is bothering you, and give her unconditional love and support, you hear me?”
He scowled. “You act as if I would do anything but.”
I shook my head. “Just making sure your head is on straight, Seth.” I looked up when the door to our left opened, revealing Bailey’s doctor. “It’s your time to shine, bro.”
Seth drew in a deep breath and walked through the visitation door after Bailey’s doctor. I crossed my fingers that everything turned out okay during their visit. Because Seth needed this just as much as our girl did.
* * *
The sightof Bailey almost brought me to my knees. She looked like she had been through hell and back, and somehow, shestillsmiled at me.
She fucking smiled.
She made a hand motion to show me she wasn’t vocal yet, and I smiled at her. The sight of her again pushed every worry and fear from my mind.
One day, she would be okay. I wouldn’t be the one to heal her, but I would stick by my promise to never leave her side again.
She would always have me.
I sat in front of her and grabbed her hands in mine. “Hey, baby girl,” I breathed.
Her breathtaking smile warmed something inside of me. She opened her mouth to speak but then quickly snapped it shut, frowning at herself. She finally grabbed my face in her hands and kissed me.