Page 1 of Heal
Iwatched as Seth cupped Bailey’s face in his hands, leaning down to press a soft, tender kiss to her lips. I never imagined Seth would have evolved into this kind of guy. He wasn’t known for being tender like this. He was a hard-ass—had to be to grow up the way we had. He’d never given a fuck about school. All he had cared about was fucking the next available girl willing to spread her legs for him. He lost himself in sex.
But he had changed all of that.
He changed for Bailey.
But looking at her, I could see why he did. He loved her. There was no doubt in my mind that he did. Anyone looking at them could see the love they held for one another.
She was it for him.
And it still surprised me that my little brother was willing to do anything to keep her happy, including bringing me into their tight-knit little circle.
He trusted me with her.
And I wouldn’t do anything to break that trust. Because if I knew Seth, I knew he would put her above everything, even me—his brother who hadalwayshad his back.
Loyalty wouldn’t mean shit to him if I hurt Bailey.
“I don’t want you to go,” she whispered, her eyes tearing up. My heart broke for her. She leaned on him so much. He was her rock when it felt like her world was spiraling out of control—which lately, seemed always.
He kissed her again. “I’m not far, baby girl—just an hour up the road,” he assured her. “I’m just going to tour this college, and then I’ll be right back home with you.”
“Promise?” she asked him. Her voice trembled the tiniest bit as she spoke.
He nodded and then rested his forehead against hers, still gently cradling her pretty face. “I promise, baby.” He kissed her for the third time. “Spend some time with my brother today.”
Her eyes flicked to me before focusing back on him. Fear clouded her gorgeous eyes. “What if I freak out?”
I’d never judge her; Seth knew that. But it didn’t stop her from worrying. Anxiety attacks hit her randomly all the time, but Seth was usually around to deal with the fallout of them.
“Then he’ll help you,” Seth reassured her as he already had many times before. “He’ll never look at you differently, baby girl. Trust me.”
She drew in a deep breath before she nodded her head. “Okay,” she whispered. “Butonlybecause I trust you.”
He brushed his nose with hers, making her giggle. He grinned all while my heart skipped a beat in my chest. “That’s my girl.” He patted her ass before gently pushing her in my direction. “Text me if you need me, baby, but I’m sure you’ll actually have fun.”
I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, nodding once at him in a silent promise that I would take care of her. I knew it was hard for him to leave her today, but I knew he was also trying to secure a future for himself so he could take care of Bailey and their baby.
He winked at her, hiding his nervousness about leaving her, before he strode out of the house, shrugging his leather jacket on his shoulders.
Bailey looked up at me once we heard his loud ass truck hit the highway. She was slowly becoming more and more comfortable with me, even taking it upon herself to talk to me when Seth was busy. Every once in a while, she’d sit next to me on the couch and lean into my side.
Seth hadn’t been wrong to include me in whatever they had. That much was obvious.
“I want to take you somewhere,” I told her. I was hoping it would distract her, and I’d already gotten Seth’s approval on this.
She frowned, obviously not liking that idea. I gently squeezed her shoulders. She didn’t do good out in public, but I’d never let her get overwhelmed. “You trust me?”
Sighing, she nodded. I grabbed my keys and led her out to my car, opening the passenger door for her. She slid in, and after making sure she was strapped in—which made her roll her eyes at me—I got into the driver’s seat.
She stared out of the window, only the soft rock music playing from my speakers breaking the silence. It wasn’t awkward though. I just worried about what she might be thinking.
“You lost in your head?” I asked her.
She jerked in surprise, looking over at me, almost as if she forgot I was there. I flashed her a small smile before focusing my eyes back on the road, heading for the zoo. Seth was going to meet us here after he finished his tour at the school.