Page 27 of Feel Me (Hart of Stone Family 6)
“I’m sorry, Em, so fucking sorry I hurt you. I’d follow you anywhere. May be slow on the uptake, but I promise you here and now, I’ll always make things right between us.” I move my hands from where they were on her back until they’re cupping her tits, thumb and pointer finger rolling her nipples, feeling her cunt tighten around my cock as I lazily thrust in and out, only doing so to make sure she won’t be sore tomorrow.
“More, faster, Tate,” she begs. That’s when I work harder, faster, fucking her with all my might. Her body moves upward on the couch until her stomach is pressed into the back, the cushions absorbing her cries. I grit my teeth. The way Em’s body clenches around my cock, she’s about to come, and I’m going to go right along with her.
“You coming, babe, going to come all over my cock,” I demand more than ask. It works, too. Emily’s on the tips of her toes. That doesn’t stop her from pushing her ass backwards when I go to slide out of her, not wanting to lose me from her depths. Like I’d fucking let that happen anyways.
“Tate!” A deep scream leaves her when her body locks tight. My balls draw up, and I’m one thrust away from burying myself deep inside Em and coming myself. When she’s slumped over, all the energy depleted from her body, that’s when I take her harder and faster, letting the sensation take over, until it’s me who’s desperate to come, and when I do, it seems like Emily comes along with me again. Her center flutters around my length as I seat myself inside her, holding my body there while the cum is sucked from my body and flows deep inside of hers.
“Fuck, I think you sucked the soul out of me, Em.” I fall over her, my chest to her back. I attempt not to give her too much weight, but fuck, the adrenaline is wearing off, and I know if we don’t disengage, clean up, and make it to her bed, I’m going to fall flat on my face.
“Apology accepted.” Her voice is loopy, as if she’s in a sleep-like state. As much as it kills me to leave her body, I do. I might watch as my cum slides out of her pussy, making me want to push my cock back in so none of it goes to waste. Instead, I watch as it drips down the inside of her legs, loving the view, until she wiggles her ass, letting me know she’s ready to stand up.
“Love you, Em. Let’s go get cleaned up.”
“I love you, Tate, and yeah, cleaning up, food, and then bed sounds like heaven right about now.” It’s a solid plan, one that I’m a fan of, so we do exactly as she wants.
“And you’re sure you’re okay with the thought of never getting married or having Tate’s last name?” Kelsey asks on my first day back home. The shop hunting was a bust, which probably worked for the best. In a way, as much as adding on to Beach Babe sounded like a great idea, it wasn’t going to happen in Outer Banks. If I thought it was expensive here in Alabama, well, let’s just say that North Carolina is outrageous. Kelsey hasn’t been back to Florida yet, but I’m thinking it’ll be more lucrative investment wise and a shit ton closer without needing to hop on a flight to check on how the store would be doing.
“I am. We’re committed to each other in a way that I know it’s there until the end of times. It might be different, but it’s ours.” Tate and I are different people than the ones surrounding us, and that’s okay. Not everyone is perfect, and when he told me about the story of how his parents met, it only showed me a deeper side of him. I mean, seriously, he’s not wrong. So many people change once that dotted line is signed. Yes, it’s worked for my family and my sister’s family that she married into, but after doing my own research, it solidified it even more. Tate will wear my ring, I’ll wear his, our children will have his last name, and I’ll get to keep my maiden name, which I could anyways, even if we got married; it just isn’t for us.
“And how do Mom and Dad feel about that?” I shrug my shoulders as I take a bite of the bagels Kels picked up, chewing as slowly as I can to annoy my sister while I get my words together.
“Mom wasn’t thrilled with the idea. It’s a good idea that you gave her that.” Deke and Kels had a destination wedding, but that did not stop our mom from giving them the best of the best. Nothing was forgotten when it came to flowers, decorations, music, food, or drinks. “Dad understands. He gave me a hug and did the thing he always does to us girls, whispering in our ear not to listen to Mom and to follow your heart, screw the rest. That could be because no wedding means more money in his bank account. He didn’t say that, by the way, but you know Dad and I are much the same. We’re the go-with-the-flow, take-life-where-it-leads-you type.”