Page 15 of Feel Me (Hart of Stone Family 6)
“Fuck, babe, so wet, so tight, holding me to you.” Tate’s hands press into the mattress, holding on to it for traction. In this position, with him pressing my body into the mattress with every flex of his hips, I attempt to help. The no that’s unsaid when Tate shakes his head tells me to stay still. It sucks because I’d like to think of myself as an active participant. Clearly, that’s not what is happening tonight; instead, my hands dig into one of his hips, the other fists the comforter, and when Tate swivels his hips, my core clutches his cock. He gets the memo, not moving as one long orgasm leaves me all while screaming, “Tate!” into the empty house.
“Son of a bitch. I’m not ready to give this up yet, but fuck if you’re cunt isn’t taking me there.” A few more hard and heavy thrusts, lips going to mine, and it’s me who swallows his groan as he plants himself balls deep, coming inside the condom. If things remain steady between us, we’ll have to talk about us forgoing condoms, especially once I’m back on birth control. Sure, it’ll mean more cleaning up on my end, but to actually feel him surge and let go inside me, it’ll be totally worth it.
“Sister, oh, sister of mine, are you here?” I call out to what seems to be the empty boutique, except I know for a fact Kelsey is opening today with me, giving Nat the evening shift since she doesn’t mind alternating between all of us. Seriously, that woman is the best thing since sliced bread.
“Someone got laid,” Kels greets me as she walks out of the back office. As much as it would make sense to move our building, one that has a storage area attached, Beach Babe Boutique has made a name for itself along the red brick path that houses other small shops.
“You bet your ass I did. Twice, along with him taking care of me no less than four other times. That man could stun the dress off a nun, and don’t get me started on how he works his tongue,” I attempt to stun my sister, but she’s so used to me and the craziness that comes along with me, Kelsey doesn’t even stumble.
“TMI. Also, since we’re on the topic, tell me, sister o’ mine, what came about with you and Tate besides the horizontal limbo?” I hold my stomach, unsure if I can hold back my laughter. We may look a lot alike, but our personalities are night and day.
“Did you seriously just say that? You talk like a virgin. I’m sure Deke gets a thrill out of that. While we’re on the topic of conversation that I know without a doubt you are chomping at the bit to hear about…” Kelsey and I move to the back office. That way, we’re out of view and passersby don’t see us. There have been times that has happened, then they stand there acting like you’re going to open up the store just for them. Yeah, fucking right. People seem to forget self-employed and small businesses have so much more shit to take care of than the bigger corporations.
“Oh, Jesus, I’m not going to like this, am I?” See what I mean? Two opposites, yet we both came from the same family. That’s because she takes after Mom in the personality department, while I am our father’s daughter through and through.
“Eh, probably not, but it works out for Tate and me.” She rolls her eyes. I do it right back, giving her a taste of her own medicine.
“Fine, give it to me straight. Why I feel the need to ask for a shot of Jack Daniels this early in the morning, I have no idea, but maybe we have a little something in common, more than blood and Beach Babe.” Kels is in a cute romper today, colorful in a floral pattern, flat sandals, hair pulled back in a clip with tendrils falling loosely around her face. Meanwhile, I’m in a black crop top, paper bag pants that have Southwestern style designs, and with them being high rise, I’m only showing a sliver of skin.
“Ha! That’ll be the day. Anyways, the understatement is that Tate and I are exclusive to one another, but no labels, no lines drawn in the sand.” I wait for her to wind herself up with how it’s not tradition. She doesn’t, so I keep going, “He’ll be out of town a lot. We’ve talked at length since, you know, yesterday was my day off and all. When he’s gone for long stretches and the stars align where I get two days off in a row, I’ll fly out to him. It’s a total win for the both of us, not to mention I didn’t have to attempt at using my own devices to achieve the best orgasms possible.”