Page 45 of The Scandal That Made Her His Queen
“Yes,” he said. “I made it my mission in life to tarnish the throne. So that the Throne of Ages would find itself polluted by the most disreputable, irresponsible, unworthy occupant of all time.”
That wasn’t all of it. But it was enough. Zeus’s heart was still jarring against his ribs. He felt outside himself, and that was before Nina turned to kneel before him so she could meet his gaze.
“I know that’s the role you play,” she said quietly. “But is that really you?”
Something swelled at him, so sharp he assumed it must have been bitterness—though he worried it was something much worse.Hope, something whispered in him. “Do you not know? And this the man you claim to love?”
But if he imagined she might look away, or be shamed in some fashion, he was disappointed. She only gazed at him as steadily as before.
“I know what I believe,” Nina said with that quiet conviction that made him ache. “The question is, what do you believe?”
There was a roaring in him then. On and on it went. And her gaze was on him, in him.
And hefelt. He felt...everything.
This woman had haunted him for seven months now, and she haunted him still. And Zeus understood then that it was entirely likely she always would.
Still, that storm raged on inside him. Still, the roar of it was loud enough to blow this stone castle to ash.
Zeus did the only thing he could think of to do.
He bent his head to hers, taking her mouth in a kiss that said all the things he could not. All the things he would not.
Everything he wished he could say to her. Only and ever to her.
Over and over again, he kissed her.
And he moved within her there, before the fire, until the shuddering took them both. Sweet this time, and more dangerous for it. Then he lifted her up, carried her to the bed, and took her once again.
Hot and hard.
As if in the taking, the sweet glory of this maddening fire, he would find the answer. What he believed. What he wanted. Who he was.
And in the meantime, he would hold her like sunshine between his hands and warm himself until hope felt as real as she did.
They had fallen asleep again when a great pounding came at the door.
Zeus rose, pulling on his discarded trousers as he stalked to the door. He flung it open to find the better part of his guard standing outside.
“Your Royal Highness,” said the head of his security detail, bowing his head. “I’m afraid there is news of the King. His condition is grave.”
For a split second, Zeus thought he had missed it—but no. There were rituals for that. His guard would have knelt. They would have called himsire.
He could see from their expressions that they would do these things. Soon.
“How long?” he asked curtly.
“A matter of hours,” the man replied.
Zeus nodded, then closed the door. He turned to find Nina watching him, and he braced himself for her reaction. She would fly to him. Offer condolences that he would reject. Try to comfort him, and it might send him into a rage.
But she only gazed at him with what he was terribly afraid was compassion.
“I will find my things and dress,” she said.
All Zeus could do was nod. All he wanted to do was reach for her. Turn back time, live in this night forever.
But his father was dying. It was time to go home.
And, whether he liked it or not, honor the vow he’d made so long ago.