Page 21 of The Scandal That Made Her His Queen
Nina cast a look his way that suggested he was being strange. “I don’t know what I do best. I’ve never had the opportunity to find out.” But she studied him for moment, tilting her head to one side. “I thought you’d be thrilled. You do not look thrilled.”
“You’re awfully quick to forgo the pleasures of the flesh, Nina.”
She laughed, which was somehow the most insulting thing yet. “I think I’ll survive.”
“Will you?”
And he didn’t mean to move. Zeus would have sworn that he’d had no intention of doing anything of the sort.
But then, as if he had no part in it, his hand was reaching out. And then he was leaning across the small table until he could hook his palm around her neck.
And then pull her face to his.
He could taste her startled exhalation. He could see the shock in those warm, pretty brown eyes.
And everything about her was sweet. Soft.
But he kissed her like a drowning man, all the same.
Hot and hard, like he was setting a fire, then throwing gasoline on the blaze.
And it was like the six months that he knew had existed between that night with her and now simply...disappeared. As if they’d been shadows that he’d traveled through and nothing more.
Because this, finally, was vivid.
It wasright.
It was the opposite of boring.
Without lifting his mouth from hers, Zeus moved from his seat, rounding the small table so he could lift her up and pull her into his arms. And she fit differently, with that beautiful belly between them, but somehow that only made it hotter.
They had made a child, and he could feel the solid weight of the baby between them, and still she kissed him with all of that passion, all of that need, that had haunted him for half a year.
Maybe it had haunted her, too.
He kissed her and he kissed her, deeper and wilder with every stroke, until he got his answer.
Then he kept on kissing her, until he’d almost forgotten that he was marrying her for any reason but this.
This slick perfection. This unnerving sense that he was home at last.
That thought sobered him too quickly. This was about a narrative, that was all, and he needed to be in control of it. He needed to make sure she was seen the way he wanted her seen. The same way he made sure he was seen in only one way outside his office.Homehad nothing to do with this. Zeus didn’t know what the word meant.
He pulled back so he could rest his forehead on hers, letting one hand move down to stroke the belly between them at last.
Because he knew every other part of her. He remembered it all. In extraordinary detail.
Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing heavily. It took her a long time to look at him again, and when she did, she looked dazed.
“That can’t happen again,” she told him, very distinctly.
But all he could do was stand there, sharing breath with her while his sex shouted at him and every part of him urged him to get closer. To keep going. To do whatever was necessary to have her naked and beneath him, sobbing out her joy as they found each other again—
“Zeus.” Her voice cracked a little on his name. “Thiscan’thappen again. Ever.”
“Somehow, little hen,” he murmured, reaching up to slide his hand along her pink-tinged cheek and brush his thumb over her lips, “I think that it will.”
When she pulled away, he let her. Just as he let her rush from out of the room. But he could taste her on his mouth again. At last. He could feel the press of her body against his, like she’d marked him.
And he found himself smiling long after she’d gone.