Page 34 of The Bride He Stole For Christmas
It took her far too long to comprehend that he had come up behind her, spun her around, and tossed her over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” she demanded.
She tried to brace herself against the wide wall of his back as he stalked through the conservatory. He swept up her cloak and draped it over her as she lay over him, then strode straight back out into the night.
The cold hit her hard, but mostly as a contrast to the heat of him beneath her. The cloak covered her and she was upside down, so there was no possibility that she could see where they were going—though she knew it was away from the house.
All she could do was hold on to him for dear life.
His strides seemed long. There was gravel underfoot, then grass.
She tried to roll off him, but his hand clamped down hard on her behind, holding her in place.
And, even now, making her melt all over him.
“Where are you taking me, Crete?” she made herself demand, because that felt like doing something. And surely she shoulddosomething.
His hand gripped her backside harder, the way he often did when he drove deep inside her. His shoulder was wide and sculpted beneath her belly, and she told herself the cloak was very warm and that was why she was suddenly too warm and given to squirm.
“Settle,” he ordered her.
And he did not slow his pace at all.
“You must be mad,” she threw at him. “You can’t simply... What are youdoing?”
“I should have thought that was obvious,” he said, as he carried her off to the night. Walking tall and proud, as if it was his right, and gripping her backside as if he was claiming her. “As you cannot be trusted to make the right choices, Timoney, you are forcing me to make them for you.”
Funnily enough, though she would have been delighted for him to make any choices for her that he wished a few months ago, she hated it tonight.
You mean youwantto hate it, came that insinuating voice.
That made her something like desperate. “I beg your pardon. You have no right! Put me down this instant.This instant.”
She tried to throw herself to the side and he quelled it before she really even formed the thought. With a laugh. And thequellingmade the core of her seem to hum.
“I cannot do that,” he told her and if she wasn’t mistaken, he ease.
More at ease that she’d ever heard him before, in fact.
“What can you possibly be thinking?” she demanded, hardly able to hear her own voice over the clamor inside her, all of it spiraling around and around blooming into sheer desire between her legs.
“The time for thinking is over, little one,” he told her, and if anything, his stride lengthened. “Now it is time for action.”
“This is an abduction! You arekidnappingme!”
And this time, the hand on her backside smoothed over her curves, just enough to make every nerve inside her seem to dance itself awake.
Then shudder, like she was on the very edge of shattering.
“It is,” Crete agreed, all dark male satisfaction. As if he knew. “You can thank me later.”