Page 46 of The Secret that Can't Be Hidden
And for a long while there was only breath. There was only this.
There was creation and revelation. Wonder and hope. Sex and need and a baby woven into the middle of that.
Woven so tightly it only then occurred to Balthazar that he’d been kidding himself all this time to imagine that this wasn’t the very point of...everything.
This was life. Kendra had brought himlife.
And in that moment, Balthazar could not bring himself to care what her reasons might have been. What her agenda was, then or now.
In that moment, he forgave her anything and everything, because there was this. The two of them, skin to skin. Their hands tangled up together to hold the new life they’d created.
The two of them breathing new life into him. Into her.
There was athem.
A family, something in him whispered.
It hit him like an explosion. A burst of near-incapacitating sensation.
It burned him alive.
“I need you,” Balthazar gritted out. “Now.”
And for a moment, he could have sworn that she was baffled. She blinked at him as if the words he used made no sense.
He shifted his hands to her hips, to grip her and move her into place. As he shifted her it seemed to dawn on her what she could do. She blew out a breath, then leaned forward, bracing herself on his chest.
Then he watched, somehow thrown and charmed at once, as she awkwardly tried to lift herself to take him within her.
And failed.
“Surely we are past this now,” he said, his voice gravelly with need. He reached between them to grab his own length and guide himself to her softness. God help him, to herheat. It nearly undid him. “I have already married you, Kendra. What is the point of continuing to play these games?”
“What games?” she asked, panting a bit as she wriggled against him, as if attempting to slot him into place.
As if she’d never done something like this before.
But that was not possible.
“I do not require you to pretend to be innocent,” he managed to say as she was poised there above him, her hair falling down to cocoon the both of them in all that fire.
His dreams could go to hell. This was better.
“Of course I’m not innocent,” Kendra replied with a laugh, holding herself up with her thighs splayed wide. “You took care of that in New York.”
“What does that mean?”
She blew out another breath as if gearing herself up. Then she took him into her body with a sudden thrust, sheathing him fully.
Sensation punched through him. He almost lost his control, but wrenched back, barely.
And she couldn’t have meant what he thought she’d meant. He was half-mad with wanting her, that was all.