Page 13 of The Secret that Can't Be Hidden
Maybe she wanted him to.
But all he did was come to stand before her, that cruel face of his unreadable.
If it weren’t for that blazing heat in his dark gaze, she might have crumpled into the pile of her discarded clothes.
He let her stand there as he regarded her for what felt to Kendra like a lifetime. Three lifetimes.
Then he walked in a circle around her.
As if she was a horse.
“Do you need to inspect my teeth?” she asked. Acidly.
“Not yet.”
She had to bite her tongue again, particularly as he took his sweet time. She couldfeelhim and his dark perusal. His gaze was like a touch, running all over her, tracing over her body and making her pulse get faster and faster by the second.
When he finally made his way around the front again, it was almost worse. Her breasts felt heavy once more, the way she remembered they had in that gazebo years ago. Beneath his commanding gaze, her nipples puckered and shamed her. Because she could tell herself that it was the chill from his air-conditioning units, but she knew better. And so, she could see, did he.
He let his gaze drop, coming to rest between her thighs. And Kendra was absurdly grateful that he couldn’t see what was happening there. He couldn’t see how much she truly wanted him.
Even though something in her whispered that he could.
“How extraordinary,” Balthazar murmured after a while. “I was sure that color had to be fake.”
She had no idea what he meant. But then, when he lifted his gaze to hers again, she got it.
And hated the fact that her cheeks burst into a brighter flame. She could feel it roll all the way over her body, like a flash flood of heat, so that she likely matched the hair on her head and between her legs that he’d apparently found so hard to believe was real. She feltredandobvious, and had to grit her teeth to keep from diving for cover.
“There are so many things I find surprising about you,kopéla,” Balthazar continued on, as if this was a deeply boring dinner party and he was sharing his views on something distressingly civil and dry. As if she wasn’tnakedbefore him. Why did that make it even harder to pull in a full breath? “This shocking show of obedience, for example. I would have said a girl of your station would find it impossible.”
She made herself breathe, somehow. “I told you I was here to make amends, if possible.”
“Naked amends.” As if she might have missed that. He considered her for a moment, that face of his stern. “What a good daughter you are, Kendra. Far more of a sister than your brother deserves, don’t you think?”
She didn’t answer that.
“How far does this obedience extend, I wonder?” He stood before her, the devil in a dark suit that fit him much too well, fully aware of his power. Exultant in it, even. “If I asked you to drop to your knees and take me in your mouth, would you? If I bent you over this desk and took my release without bothering to see to your pleasure, would you allow it? There are so many options available to us, are there not? So many ways to audition, after all.”
And somehow, it was only then that it occurred to Kendra to take stock of the precariousness of her position.
It was only then that she really thought about what she was doing here.
Because her head was filled with new images now. Balthazar doing exactly what he’d just told her he might. She could see it too clearly—too vividly—and she couldn’t decide if it seemed like peril or passion. To sink to her knees, tilt her head back, and taste the most male part of him. Or to be tossed across the vast expanse of his desk as if she’d been put on this earth with no other thought but to please him, when and how he wished...
She couldn’t decide if those things terrified her. Or if they didn’t.
“Look at you,” he mused, his voice a dark, rough abrasion. She felt her skin prickle, breaking out into goose bumps. “So eager to please.”
She was breathing too hard, after failing to breathe at all for a while. She couldn’t seem to speak.
And then he made it worse by reaching out and fitting his hand to her cheek.
It was not a soft, caring sort of gesture.
He might as well have slid it straight between her legs. Again.
Kendra shook so hard she thought her bones might have flown apart. She had to check a moan, but it still made her teeth rattle.