Page 37 of Christmas in the King's Bed
And then she could feel him, the hardest part of him, flush up against the place where she wanted him the most.
It was almost too much to handle.
He blew out a breath, and she could feel his heart pounding against hers. His gaze was dark, gleaming with a kind of fierce longing, and she could hardly bear the intensity of this moment.
She could hardly bear this.
She felt as if they were both caught in a mad storm. It howled and shook the windows, but in the center of everything was Orion. In the way he notched himself into her soft heat, and then waited there, one heartbeat. Another.
And she thought there could be nothing in the world more real, more true, than this. No matter how they’d gotten here. No matter what their future held. Wanting him made her feel open wide and utterly bared, and the craziest part was that she longed for that, too.
For someone to look at her the way he did, as if he’d never wanted anything more and never, ever would.
“Please,” Calista whispered. “Please, Orion.”
And with a deep kind of growl, he thrust forward and buried himself within her.
Calista fell apart. She burst into a thousand pieces, when she would have said it was impossible for her to have hit such heights again at all tonight. Much less so soon.
She shook and she shook. And when the glorious quaking subsided, she was still clutching him to her.
But he hadn’t moved.
“Orion...” she whispered.
There was a grimness about that stark expression on his face as he braced himself above her. As if he was holding himself so tightly that the slightest movement might break him.
And suddenly Calista wanted nothing more than to see him break. To see the reserved, guarded king break apart the way she had. So she shifted, rolling her hips to take him even deeper into her, and he let out a sound that could have been a laugh.
Though perhaps it sounded a bit more tortured.
But then, finally, he began to move.
And the storm they’d made moved in, wrapped itself around them, and began to howl.
Or maybe that was Calista. She couldn’t tell.
Orion set a rhythm, but she didn’t want that. She didn’t want patience when she’d already lost hers so completely. She didn’t want a single second more of his regal composure.
So she wrapped her legs around his waist and set her teeth to his neck. She met each thrust. And she knew the exact moment when King Orion Augustus Pax, King of Idylla, simply...lost it.
He dropped his head to her shoulder. His hips pistoned, tossing her straight back into that wildfire she’d thought had already burned its way out of her. Twice.
But it turned out there was so much more to burn.
He hurtled them both over that cliff, and his mouth against her shoulder while he went. And somewhere between those two things—the way he lost himself and the way he found himself with his mouth against her flesh—took her with him.
Tossing them over the edge and into oblivion.
She had no sense of falling asleep, though she knew she must have when she woke to find herself lifted up in Orion’s arms. A faint alarm stirred deep inside her, but she ignored it, because perhaps not every last second of her life had to be a fight. A struggle.
It was far better to rest her head on his shoulder the way she imagined regular women might, and dream a bit as he carried her through the suite, and deposited her into the huge bathtub already full and foaming.
Calista slid into the embrace of the water, smiling, because she couldn’t remember the last time someone had cared for her. That was her job. And she smiled wider when he surprised her completely and joined her.