Page 52 of Take Me (Filthy Rich Billionaires 2)
In fact, the more time they spent together, the more deliciously commanding Dylan became.
It was winter again, but she still liked to sit outside. She liked to wait for Dylan to finish his early morning run and join her for a coffee before they drove into Sydney’s Central Business District together.
She liked the rhythms of this life of theirs. It was more joy than pain, more laughter than tears, and both of them were fully engaged. Committed.
Connected,she thought now.
Jenny had never left Sydney. She’d taken a month or so, what she and Dylan like to call their trial honeymoon, and had simply indulged herself in him. Lost herself in him. With no worries about disappointing her father, this time. And better yet, no fiancé.
Just Dylan. And his wicked imagination. And all the bossiness he could dream up and she could take.
Are you ever coming back?Erika had texted a few days after that scene with Conrad. Jenny had doubted very much she knew what had happened.Or are you emigrating?
Jenny had found herself gnawing on her knuckle, so she’d picked up her mobile and called her best friend.
“The short version is that I broke up with your brother and am with Dylan now,”Jenny said when Erika answered. “And I guess that’s also the long version.”
And she didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t Erika’s whoop of laughter.
“I knew it!” she crowed.
“I thought you’d be more upset about the Conrad angle,” Jenny said after Erika’s laughter wound down.
“I probably would be if you’d been marrying each other for the right reasons,” her friend said after a moment. “But you never loved him. And Conrad doesn’t love anything. And you and Dylan should have gotten together years ago.”
Jenny couldn’t help but agree. Living with Dylan was easy. So easy, in fact, that they’d had more than a few conversations about whether or not it wastooeasy, and therefore destined to blow up in their faces. Yet as weeks turned to months, and months into seasons, it seemed less and less likely.
They’d been friends for years. And they’d been in love with each other all of that time. They knew each other’s weaknesses already, and then some, which helped. But better still, they were both sohappy.Finally. Shifting their relationship into what it should have been all along felt like a gift.
The only friction they had they tended to work out in bed. Or with sex, anyway, bed not required.
Dylan didn’t have to hide all the different parts of himself any longer.
And Jenny didn’t have to pretend that she was endlessly serene.
Sometimes they shouted at each other because they could. Because passion could lead to temper, and neither one of them was perfect. But they always found a way back to laughter. And love.
And the simple beauty of his cock deep inside her, until neither one of them had the energy to fight.
She looked up and smiled when Dylan roamed out onto the deck a little while later. He sat down with her, picking her up and settling her in his lap the way he liked to do. Jenny sighed as his arms came around her. Then smiled as she felt his cock stir beneath her, because a year had passed and if anything, they wanted each other more.
She found new charities here in Australia, and new ways to give back. She and Dylan started their own scholarship program, the better to help kids like the one he’d been, hoping to break the family cycle.
She brought Dylan back to England to meet her father. Or meet him again, and this time, not as a grotty little student upstart, as he liked to call himself, with a chip on his shoulder the size of Ireland. He didn’t even call her father Lord Fuckface—to his face.
And her father found a way to fear less, and love more, though he wasn’t one to say such things. Not often.
“I expect I’ll have to marry you,” Dylan said now, playing with her hair.
“I rather like that you haven’t made an honest woman of me. I can pretend I’m nothing more than a kept woman. Subject to your every whim if I want to keep my place.”
Dylan laughed, but then he was reaching between them, and adjusting her. Lifting up the soft cotton shift she’d worn to sleep in, releasing himself from his running shorts and sliding his cock between her folds.
It always took a little work. There was always that initial stretching, and her body’s adjustment to his length and width.
And it was always worth it when he thrust home. Both of them sighed a bit at the fit. The fullness. The feel of him, huge and so hard where she was tight.