Page 24 of Snowbound with His Forbidden Princess
Her breath whooshed from her lungs as he scooped her up as if she weighed nothing, spun and walked them back over to the opposite side of the room.
‘I should take you back to the cabin and strip you bare before the fire and the wildness of the woods,’ he said, claiming her lips with more punishing kisses. ‘But I can’t wait that long.’
‘Wait for what?’ she asked hazily, her gaze heavy-lidded with desire.
‘A taste of you,’ he said, laying her carefully on the soft workout matting as if completely lost in his need to satiate a craving he’d had for years. He pushed the jacket from her shoulders and, instead of coming back to kiss her, he reached for the band of her leggings. She instinctively lifted up, allowing him to sweep them over her backside and down, just as she realised his intention.
Her heart thundered in her chest as he pulled her panties halfway down her thighs, a self-consciousness building in her until...
Until she saw the way Kjell looked at her.
Stark desire had slashed his cheeks red, his arctic blue eyes on fire. He might not have moved a muscle, sitting back on his haunches, his eyes raking over every inch of exposed flesh, but there was nothing still about him. The energy, the need—for her—raging beneath his skin was electric. She had done that to him. And he let her see it. He’d opened himself up to her to show her the effect she had on him.
A whimper rose in her that had nothing to do with attraction and everything to do with a hurt beginning to heal. But the sound cut through whatever held Kjell back and, leaning back, he lifted her thighs apart, possessively positioning himself between them.
‘Kjell,’ she whispered.
‘Changed your mind, Princess?’ he taunted, wickedness in his gaze.
‘Give me what I need,’ she demanded hotly and the look in his eyes changed to something like pride.
‘Yes, ma’am.’
FREYA’SLEGSTREMBLEDso much on the walk back to the cabin, Kjell needed to scoop her up and carry her to the boot room. At least that was what he told himself, as if he didn’t know that he couldn’t keep his hands off her, even for that short walk.
She’d orgasmed on his tongue, around his fingers, and he’d never felt anything more exquisite in his life. The sweet taste of her hadn’t been enough.More. He wanted more.
Insatiable, she’d said—the laughter in her voice true music to his ears.
He couldn’t disagree. But he’d not lied when he’d told her that he wanted her naked in front of the fire in the cabin. He refused to make love to her there in the outbuilding on his exercise mat. Wasn’t ruling it out later on, but that wasn’t how he intended their first time in eight years to be. Because there was no fighting it any more. The line had been obliterated and he had no intention of redrawing it.
But that didn’t mean they didn’t have to talk first.
He watched her unlace her boots, the flush of desire still bright on her cheeks, and when she looked up, grazing her gaze against his, the amber in her eyes glowed gold and he had to stop himself from reaching for her.
Roughly pulling at his outer layers, he watched her sweep into the cabin with a very feminine swish to her hips. It was only when he was alone that he allowed the sensual haze to dissipate enough to try to gather his thoughts.
In his mind he was back on the university campus green. Their studies had been interrupted by a frisbee that had scraped the top of Freya’s head. The parent of the child had taken one look at her, eyes wide, offering profuse apologies.
It had taken Freya at least five minutes and a selfie to assure him that they weren’t all going to end up in prison.
‘That was kind of you,’ he noted with a smile.
‘Not at all. I’m earning good karma.’
‘What for?’ he asked on a laugh.
‘For my children. They’re going to terrorise the palace. I’ll make sure of it,’ she said with such glee he felt it in his heart.
‘Children?’ His heart thudded in his chest—painful, slow, heavy beats. Because they wouldn’t be his. Couldn’t be.
She almost shone...until clouds formed in her eyes.
‘And none of them will be a spare.’