Page 40 of From One Night To Desert Queen
She tried to swallow around the lump in her throat and a smile wobbled on her lips. ‘Of course I do.’
He held up the necklace. ‘Would you like me to—’
‘Actually...’ she said, rising quickly. ‘I’d like to explore,’ she exclaimed brightly, sure that the overly bright response had given her away, but he kindly let her go.
She couldn’t take the necklace. Not yet. Because that would be the end of her search in Duratra. She would be done and wearing the necklace, holding it complete as the key would be the end of her time here. Especially as she was almost sure that she wasn’t pregnant.
Khalif went to see Mavia, made sure that she had extra treats for carrying them both here. It hadn’t been a long journey and she would have all the rest she needed, as he and Star would be driving out of here tomorrow.
He could see that Star had been affected by the necklace. He had been too, not imagining for a moment how it would feel to give away something that had been worn by the women of his family for over one hundred and fifty years. In doing so, it felt as if he’d entrusted part of his family to her.
Something red flashed in his eyeline and he knew that Star had undone the long thick plait of her hair. He clenched his jaw against the need to turn and look. Instead he worked on building a fire, ignoring the way ripples of water lapped against the fertile green border of the pool.
While his imagination painted images of mermaids with flowing red tresses and mystical creatures, he unpacked the food he had brought, placing it in the cool fridges running from the almost silent generator behind the tent.
The staff from Alhafa had worked through the night to make this happen, happy to do a kindness to the woman who had brought life back to the palace. He marvelled at how quickly, readily and easily she had become their Queen. But would it make her happy? Would being royal, being a princess in a foreign land, be right for her? Becoming a spectacle for the world to investigate, judge and find wanting, no matter how perfect she was. Her life would be on display and at risk and he knew that he could not do that to someone as pure and beautiful as her.
The fire took, the crackle and burn mixing with the chirps of the cicadas and the cry of the birds that stopped at the oasis on their journey across the desert. Wind gently rustled the leaves in the trees and water rippled and in his mind’s eye he could see Star in the lake, her hair splayed on the surface and her body hidden from his gaze by the distortion of the liquid, no matter how pure.
His pulse pounded in his ears, blocking out the sounds of the desert. He cursed the wood beneath his hands because it wasn’t smooth, freckled skin, soft as satin. A swift inhale followed a pinprick and he looked down to find a splinter in his thumb. Frowning, he removed the sliver of wood, watching the tiny bloom of blood before pressing it to his lips.
He’d never wanted a woman like this.
And he never would again.
‘What happens if I’m not pregnant?’
Her voice, a little shaky, a lot tentative, came from behind him.
‘You’ve only told me about what happens if I am.’
Because he’d not wanted to let her go.
He cleared his throat from his emotions’ tight hold. ‘You will return to Norfolk. I will return to the throne.’
‘And that’s it?’
‘That’s it.’
‘I’ll never see you again?’
She had posed it as a question that he chose instead to take as a statement, unable to bring himself to answer. Silently he roared his fury. Everything in him wanted to reach for her, just one last time. Not damning the consequences, but fully understanding them and facing them. His mind taunted that it was a gift, this one night, more than either he or she should have ever expected, but his heart berated him. Maybe unconsciously he’d known that coming here wasn’t just for her, but for him—to have this, to haveher. He was selfish and she deserved so much more.
‘Thank you for bringing me here.’ The finality of her tone ate at him. It was as if she were saying goodbye.
‘It was the least I could do.’ He paused, knowing that his next words would open up a path neither should take, but both seemed powerless to resist. ‘It may be theonlything I can do.’
‘I understand,’ she said quietly.
He spun around and pierced her with his gaze. ‘Do you?’ he demanded, furious with her, with himself. There wasn’t anything about this that he understood.
‘I do.’
It was then he took her in. Long red tresses soaked into ropes, lying flat against her skin. The long-sleeved white top almost transparent, revealing more than it concealed, pressed against her body the way he wanted to be.
His hands itched to reach for her, to take her, to pull her to him.
He was shaking his head as she took a step forward and stopped, but he caught the way she masked her hurt in an instant and he cursed. She turned to walk away, but he was up and reaching for her before she could take a second step, turning her in his arms before she could take another breath, and punishing her with a kiss—punishing them both—before he could think again. She gasped into his mouth and he took it within him, locked it away because that was how she made him feel. Shocked, awed, thrilled... He wanted her to remember this moment for the rest of her life, because he already knew he would.