Page 27 of Rumours Behind the Greek's Wedding
What she was working on—designs to help agriculture in drought-affected areas, to allow better crop production, rapid identification of pest and fungal infestations, information on irrigation and so much more—had been used instead for murder. Justifications likewar on terrorandborder defenceand the little-known discipline of Measurement and Signature Intelligence had done nothing to assuage her guilt.
That her designs, her hopes and dreams had been so vilely abused had shocked her to her very core. Only Ella knew of the devastating guilt that had torn through Célia. That had seen her nearly drop out of college altogether. That had given her nightmares for months and months.
Her father had simply refused to speak of it, as if pretending it hadn’t happened. Her mother had stood by him and, in Célia’s mind, chosen his side. She hadn’t spoken to her father in five years, her mother in three. And it still ached and twisted in her chest.
Once again she had become so lost in her thoughts she had missed what Loukis had said. She brushed the hair that had fallen in front of her eyes aside, noticing how the green sapphires glinted in the sunlight, bringing her back to reality with a bump.
‘Are you okay?’ Loukis asked, a frown marring the near perfect features looking up at her.
‘Yes. Sorry, what were you saying?’
‘That we probably need to leave if we’re going to make lunch.’
‘Yes, you have an appointment.’
‘An appointment?’
He nodded. ‘One that would probably benefit from something more than you repeating my every word.’
Loukis stood from the table, but Célia remained on the chair.
‘Is this a kind of sit-in?’ he demanded, half amused.
‘Yes. Until you tell me what’s going on I’m not moving.’
‘You sound like a child,’ he said, now openly smiling, enjoying the slightly petulant bent to her tone. It had been much better than the series of emotions that he’d seen play upon her features after she had fixed the drone. Something that he had not forgotten and would most definitely be exploring at a later date. It was just that it didn’t seem to fit. Not with Célia and who she was. And that made him uncomfortable. But he didn’t have time right now for that.
‘Lunch is where you are going to meet your next client,’ he stated.
A look of horror passed over her features, new and different from before. ‘But I’m not prepared. I don’t know who they are or...anything.Loukis.’ She used his name as both a question and punctuation. It was adorable.
‘You are perfectly well prepared. You know your company inside out, you’ve got plenty of examples to draw from to illustrate any kind of point you need to make. And your soon-to-be new client has a low tolerance for unnecessary pomp, and a great deal of respect for straight talking. The two of you will get on wonderfully.’
Loukis gestured for Célia to go ahead before him, following behind a black-suited head waiter towards the table where Yalena Adeyemi and her husband sat, laughing quietly at something secret.
The moment Yalena caught sight of them, she stood from the table and greeted them both with a wide smile and excitement glinting in her espresso rich gaze.
‘Loukis. It’s been far too long,’ she gently reprimanded. ‘I’d be horrified that business has brought you finally back to socialising, if I wasn’t so curious about the opportunity you’ve presented.’ Without missing a beat, she turned to Célia. ‘It’s lovely to meet you, andnotjust because you’re the “business opportunity,”’ Yalena said with genuine happiness.
Célia, who had been silent since he’d told her of their intended destination, came to life as if a switch had been flipped.
‘Likewise. If I’m honest, I’m trying hard not to fan-girl at the moment. Your company has such a fantastic reputation and has achieved some really incredible things.’
Célia hadn’t lied at all. She’d known of Yalena Adeyemi by reputation. As founder and CEO of one of the quickest growing peer-to-peer lending platforms, Yalena had been an inspiration for both Célia and Ella when starting up their own company.
‘As does yours. Chariton Enterprises is steadily gaining quite a bit of notoriety, and,’ she said, clearly noticing Célia’s glance towards Loukis, ‘not because of your recent exciting news. May I offer my congratulations on your engagement?’
Yalena gestured for them to sit, and Loukis made the introductions between Iannis, Yalena’s husband, and Célia. Drinks were ordered, and small talk was made until they arrived.
‘Iannis, why don’t we leave the ladies to their business and go to the bar and gossip like the old miserable men that we are?’ Loukis announced. Giving his wife a kiss on the cheek, Iannis followed Loukis away from the table and towards the bar as promised.
Célia was thankful for it. For some reason having Loukis there had put her on the back foot. As if embarrassed or worried about what he might think if he saw her in client mode. Which was doubly strange because he was a client himself. She looked across at Yalena. Her close-cropped hair highlighted incredible cheekbones, gorgeous wide eyes and a ready smile. But for all of that, Célia knew that her mind was razor-sharp and her focus fierce.
‘I was not just paying lip service, Célia. I am impressed with what you’ve done with your company, especially such a young one.’