Page 7 of His Baby
“Um, yeah!” I called vaguely. “I have your number.”
And with that, I pounded up the stairs and back into my apartment before slamming the door and bending over in disbelief, my hands on my knees. Holy shit, had that just happened? Had I just had the worst sex possible in the Guinness Book of World Records? Had my partner (if you can call Stephen that) been so clueless that he hadn’t noticed that I hadn’t come? Didn’t he care?
But slowly, I came to the conclusion that (1) Stephen didn’t know, and (2) even if he did, it didn’t bother him. The guy was so stuck on himself that my pleasure and satisfaction were just secondary. Or tertiary. A female orgasm was something that either happens or doesn’t, no big deal either way. Still shaking my head with disbelief, I got into the shower feeling numb, while trying to make myself forget that unfortunate episode.
But now those memories seem faded and far away, although it was only two weeks ago. Because today, I had the Highlander himself in my office, totally nude, with that muscled bottom ready to be explored. I shouldn’t be looking forward to it. This was a medical exam and what I’d been trained to do at the best schools. I had all the degrees to prove it hanging on the wall. But given that my sex life has been so terrible recently … suddenly a prostate exam on a gorgeous alpha male sounded awfully good.
Chapter 4
A soft knock sounded on the door.
“Come,” I growled, and Dr. Mel let herself in. Was I imagining things or were her cheeks flushed and those big boobies heaving? But it was true. In the five minutes it’d taken for me to get undressed, something had happened to Dr. Mel. She’d gone from curvy innocent to tempting siren, and I could almost see the dirty thoughts spinning in her head.
Oh yeah. I love when I have that effect on women, especially when it’s on someone as hot as Dr. Mel. Because it just makes everything easier. And since this woman was about to probe my back-end, being on her good side was even more important.
“Hello again,” she says with a professional smile, putting her clipboard down. “Are you ready?”
I growl.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
And that’s the truth. When you have a family history like mine, there’s no such thing as being too ready. It just is, whether or not you like it. Ever since my uncle died, this exam has been on the back of my mind, and sure enough, when I turned forty, the notification popped up on my phone.
SCHEDULE PROSTATE EXAM, it said, brooking no excuses.
So yeah, I’m here. I’m with it. I’ve got all my clothes off, dressed only in this thin piece of nothing that’s masquerading as a hospital gown. I hop off the exam table, and sure enough, the paper tears from knee to thigh, leaving my dick visible through a hole in the gown.
“Oh shit,” I growl, pulling it back in place. “Sorry about that.”
Melissa starts for a moment, her eyes fixed on my huge, hung dick. But then she shakes her head and comes back to herself.
“No, it’s no problem,” she murmurs, cheeks slightly pink. “I’m going to see it all anyways, given what we’re about to do together.”
I want to correct her. You’re about to do a prostate exam on me, honey. There’s no “together” about it. You’re going to stick that tiny finger into my butt hole and root around in there to see if anything’s amiss.
But the words are too rude and crude. I’m tempted to say them, of course, but it’s too soon. Once Dr. Mel and I know each other better, the sentences will come on their own. Or better yet, when I have her in my bed, that curly hair wrapped around my dick, I’ll say anything and everything I want as the filth flows from my lips.
Shut the fuck up, the voice in my head admonishes. You’re about to get her finger up your butt, but instead you’re thinking about bedding her? Are you serious?
But it makes a sick sort of sense. Because ever since I laid eyes on this woman, the prospect of feeling her inside me has turned me on. In fact, my dick’s already semi-hard, the blood flowing hotly as I take in that curvy form. She looks up at me, brown eyes knowing yet innocent at once.
“I’m ready,” Dr. Mel says, snapping on her plastic gloves. “If you’d be so kind as to bend over right here? Legs apart please.”
Fuck. It’s really happening and I pray she doesn’t notice my quickly stiffening dick.
“Sure,” is my grunt as I lean forwards, bracing my hands against the exam table. “Like this?”
She pauses a moment.
“Mr. Jackson,” comes that musical voice. “You’re only bent over at a forty-five degree angle right now. I need you at ninety. Maybe if you lowered yourself to your elbows? Or even lay flat with your cheek against the exam table?”