Page 1 of Small Town Secrets
Chapter One
“Stop squirming around, Carrie,” complains my friend Roxy without taking her eyes off the road. “You’re making me nervous!” I give up the effort of pulling my tight black dress further down my thighs and lean back in the passenger seat with a heavy sigh.
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into wearing this,” I complain to my buddy. She laughs, a note of victory in her husky voice. We’ve been best friends since we were six years old, and the last two years at different colleges have done nothing to change that. But we’ve always been different. Opposites, in fact: Carrie and Roxy, the inseparable dynamic duo. Shy and wild. Yin and Yang. Opposites in physique too. At five foot eight, her blonde head rises several inches above my own curly brown mass. Her body is long and lean, and Roxy’s always been envious of my D-cups and big butt. While I would give anything to be a little slimmer, just so I could just attract less attention and feel more comfortable in my skin.
“You look fantastic! It’s time you showed those curves off to the world,” she compliments me.
“The world? You mean this lame party you’re dragging me to?” I say, rolling my eyes.
“Oh baby,” Roxy purrs, and I can see her eyes glisten in the passing street lights. “There ain’t nothing lame about this party.”
“So you keep telling me. But it’s in Riverbend, so it’ll be just like all the parties we used to go to in high school. Lame.”
“Oh, look who’s all high and mighty now she’s at a big bad city university. Small town parties aren’t good enough anymore?” she teases me.
The truth is, I haven’t really done all that much crazy partying in the big bad city. I wanted to, but it soon became clear it just isn’t my thing, college or not. To all my new university friends, casual hookups seemed to be second nature, but my shyness has only prolonged my long-lasting virginity. I guess I’ve just been holding out… for what exactly? I’m not sure, to tell the truth.
Roxy notices my thoughtfulness and reaches over to squeeze my bare thigh.
“It’s a surprise!” she laughs again. “You’ll see.”
“Well, I feel like a sausage in this dress.” I start tugging at it again, this time trying to pull the low plunge of the black material higher up to my neck. It’s pointless. The immense, soft mass of my boobs is pushed together and upwards in the bodice of the dress, the hem cutting them off just above the nipples. Looking down, I can see the milkiness jiggling with the vibration of the car, and I cross my arms over them, sighing again. I resist the temptation to ask Roxy to turn the car around.
“Your tits are divine, Carrie. When are you going to realize that?” Roxy laughs again, good-naturedly, and turns the car into a dimly lit street.
I sigh but don’t reply. After all, Roxy’s my best friend so it’s her job to lift me up. Plus, maybe this party will be okay. The street we’re on is just the same as all the other streets in our small suburban town. Riverbend was a wonderful and safe place to grow up, and it will always be home. College has been fun, but it’s been overwhelming at the same time. In fact, I was looking forward to a quiet evening watching TV with Mom, but Roxy, as usual, had other ideas.
“Trust me. Just trust me,” my buddy murmurs mysteriously.
We pull up outside a house like any other on the quiet street. As I get out of the car, I make one last attempt to adjust the tiny black dress around my rolling curves, then decide to give up. Roxy takes my hand and leads me to the front door. I can feel her trembling with excitement as she knocks on the door, and wonder if maybe there really is something different to this party. I shiver suddenly, despite the warm summer air.
A little window in the middle of the door, like a secret latch, opens and the handsome face of a man in his thirties appears in the opening. He eyes us up and down and grins at Roxy.
“Password?” he says in a deep, pleasant voice.
“Deepthroat,” responds Roxy mysteriously. I try to hide my surprise. What kind of place is this?
“Wrong. That was last week’s,” he grins.
“Just let me in, Rollo!” laughs Roxy flirtatiously, and I wonder how often she’s been here.
Rollo winks and swings the door open to admit us. Immediately we’re met with the deep, sensual base of low-fi party music. And another sound hits my ears as well. Oh god, it’s the sound I only know from uncomfortable sex scenes watched by accident during movie nights with Mom, and from curious but guilty enjoyment of coming across these scenes on my laptop in my dorm room at night.