Page 28 of My Sister's Husband
My fiance’s expression is over the moon.
“It’s the best gift ever, my love, and now our daughter is going to be a big sister too. We’re going to have another child. God, I love you, Kelsey. You’re an amazing mom, an amazing woman, and you’re going to be my amazing wife. You’re my dream come true, sweetheart. Imagine that … a family.”
And I sigh with happiness and satisfaction because Marcus and I are truly a family. Us, Janie, and the new child growing inside of me.
“I love you,” Marcus says quietly. I settle in beside him, my head on his shoulder.
“I love you, too. Forever.”
“Forever,” he answers before we both drift off into a peaceful sleep. Because our love was never conventional. In fact, it started at the wrong time and caught flame in the least appropriate setting. But now, a year and a half later, things have settled into their rightful places … and we have the future before us forever.