Page 20 of My Sister's Husband
“You shouldn’t be so damn good at that,” Kelsey mewls into my chest.
“You, either.” I pull out although my cock is still hard. I’ve always been quick to recover but Kelsey makes it even easier to get ready for another round. “Kelsey, you’re right about this being a bad idea. But I don’t want to stop.”
She smirks and pulls me back against her, my cock sliding against her moist lips. “Good, because I don’t want to stop either.”
She kisses me and I slip back inside of her so easily, eager for round two.
Yeah, I’m not going to stop doing this any time soon. Bad idea be damned. Because my sister in law and I are already going to hell … and frankly, hell feels goddamn amazing.
Chapter Eleven
Six months have passed since Jane died suddenly. They’ve been the best six months of my life.
Since that day we slept together in my office, Kelsey and I have been practically inseparable. In public, we act the same way we always did. Courteous and polite, the way in-laws treat each other. We rarely spend time together where people can see us. Every Sunday her parents invite us over for dinner and we struggle through the evening trying not to give away our intimacy. Then, we go back to my place or hers and I fuck her the way she deserves to be fucked. Hard. Intimate. Deep.
It’s been six blissful months. I can’t imagine my life before Kelsey and I started our relationship. Sometimes I wish we could go public, but I know we can’t.
To distract myself from thoughts of Kelsey, I shuffle through the papers on my desk. Work has been crazy the last few weeks, but I’m close to landing a plum assignment. One of the three partners at our firm is retiring, and I want his high profile cases. It would come with more money and more work, which is what I want. Jane and I talked extensively about this issue. She didn’t want me to take on the additional load, for whatever reason. I didn’t understand because it would mean more money for her to blow on ridiculous things like expensive designer hats that she never wore. It was yet another point of contention between us.
I have a conference call about a client in five minutes. I dial in to the group call and wait.
“Marcus, I’m glad you’re here,” one of the other lawyers at my firm says. “How have you been? I’m sorry to hear about your wife.”
“Thanks, Jim. It’s been a difficult six months, but I’m getting by. My wife wouldn’t want us to wallow in her memory. She wasn’t that kind of woman.”
This isn’t exactly true. Jane loved attention and would be furious to know that I’ve basically moved on. But then again, I moved on the night she died with her sister to boot.
“That’s good, Marcus.” The sound of shuffling papers fills the room. “We’ll be glad to have you helping out on this case with us. You know this client is very important.”
“Of course. I absolutely understand.”
Jim laughs. “I hear you’re in the running to take Madison’s clients now that he’s retiring. Good luck. No one in this place deserves it more than you do.”
“Thanks, Jim. I appreciate that.”
We dive into legal talk with the client who needs help defending in a big customer complaint case. Luckily for us, no one died from the product malfunction which means we’ll be able to negotiate a smaller settlement.
“I think we can stop this thing from going to court,” I tell the group when we’ve hashed out the entire case. “Let me draw up the settlement paperwork and I’ll fax it your way, Jim.”
“Thanks, Marcus. You’re the man.”
We hang up and I get to work drafting the papers for the settlement. I have a basic template for this kind of thing that I use for a lot of our clients. This one requires only a bit of tweaking before I fax it over to Jim at our office on the other side of the country. With any luck, the opposing lawyers will accept it without wanting to make any changes. Considering how flimsy their case is, I don’t think we’ll have any problems.
The phone on my desk rings. My assistant’s familiar voice fills the receiver when I pick it up.
“Marcus, Ms. Smith is here to see you again? She says she has some legal papers for you to look over.”
I smile. Kelsey hasn’t been back to my office since that day six months ago. I’m hoping her being here means she wants to recreate it.
“You can let her in, Abigail. And cancel my appointments for the rest of the day.”
“Yes, sir.”
While I wait for Kelsey to make her way into the office, I clear my desk of anything that might break. Although I have a comfortable couch in my office for receiving clients and relaxing when I don’t have a chance to break for lunch, I’d much rather play naughty secretary with Kelsey and bend her over my desk once again. Her ass would look so good bouncing up and down as the girl shrieks and mewls.