Page 5 of Claiming Her in the Forest
I can feel myself starting to become curious about her.
Her brown eyes are wide and desperately trying to avoid my scrutiny.
“Yes,” she says finally in a timid voice.
“Okay.” I’m relieved to have something to do other than keep staring at Emma’s luscious curves. The way her body looks is driving me crazy and bringing back urges that I thought I’d squashed a long time ago. It’s a relief to go into the kitchen and busy myself with prepping a couple of steaks.
I do all of my own hunting. When I first moved out to the woods, I had no idea what I was doing. I hired a guide for the first couple of years – I had to learn everything. But now, it’s almost like second nature. This way is better. This way, I don’t have to go out in public and think about why I left society.
With a sigh, I take two venison steaks from the fridge and set them out to warm. After melting some butter in a skillet, I throw the meat into the pan and listen to the satisfying sound of it sizzling.
Emma looks hungry, and I don’t think a girl of her size will be happy with just a steak so I take some stew out of the refrigerator and start to warm it in a pan.
“That smells so good!”
I jolt at the sound of Emma’s honeyed voice. Glancing up, I see her in the doorway. She’s standing there with her arms crossed under those heavy, luscious tits and her mouth open. I can tell that she’s practically drooling over the scent of the meat.
“I’m sorry that I startled you,” Emma says quietly. “But it smelled so good that I had to see what you were doing.” She steps closer and her scent washes over me – a little bit of sweat and something floral, like jasmine.
Breathing her in makes my cock twitch with lust and I have to suppress the urge to grab her plump thighs and press her against the counter. But I quash the desire and focus on browning the steaks in butter until they’re perfectly medium rare.
When I’m done preparing the food, I pour Emma a bowl of stew and plate our steaks. I almost never eat at my table, and it feels strange sitting down there instead of on the couch. Emma sits beside me and as she lowers herself down, another gust of her sweaty-floral scent washes over me.
This time, I feel the lustful ache deep in my balls. God, this woman is so hot. The best part is that she obviously has no idea how beautiful she is. She’s completely unaware of the power her body has over me.
Why can’t I stop thinking about her? It’s starting to frustrate me.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten,” Emma says softly as she dips her spoon into her bowl of stew. I look up to see that she’s already eaten half of it. She hasn’t even touched her steak, and there’s a drop of brown gravy on her pale chin.
I smile, in spite of myself. “I’m glad you like it.” Talking feels strange – I almost never do it now, and the words feel like marbles in my mouth. “I’m not exactly used to cooking for people now.”
“Were you a chef before?” Emma wipes her chin and dives in for more stew, eagerly licking and sucking at the spoon. Watching her pink tongue clean the shiny silver surface is making me hot and horny, and I have to fight another animalistic urge to grab her and bend her over.
“No,” I say shortly. “I was not. I was…” I trail off, not wanting to say too much about who I am or what I did before this. Emma’s young, but not too young to remember what happened if she’s the kind of girl who pays attention to the news.
It’s better she doesn’t know that she’s sitting at a table with a convicted felon.
“I’m a student,” Emma says brightly. She drops the spoon into her bowl and looks up at me. “I go to Park.”
I nod.
Emma sighs in exasperation. “Come on,” she says. “It wouldn’t kill you to talk to me.” She slices into her steak and then takes a huge bite. “Besides, it’s not like you’re used to having company here!”
I roll my eyes. “Fine,” I snap. “On one condition.”
“What’s that?” Emma asks, still chewing. “What do you want?”
“I’ll tell you my name if you’ll tell me what the hell you were doing out in the woods by yourself,” I say sternly. “Because that was a fucking stupid decision on your behalf to wander out alone with no food, no water, and no satellite phone.”
Emma flushes hotly and swallows. “Okay,” she says. “Um, well, a guy whom I liked asked me if I wanted to go hiking with him.” She squirms in her chair and bites her lip. “And I guess he thought it would be funny to ask me out and then leave me in the middle of the woods.”