Page 37 of Claiming Her in the Forest
“Thinking about dinner for tomorrow,” I lie. “Should I take something out of the freezer? What would you like?”
“Do you have any steaks?”
I beckon for Emma to step closer. “Take out whatever you like. Just put it in the fridge and we’ll worry about it tomorrow.”
Emma peers into the freezer and her eyes light up the sight of all the frozen food, neatly stacked and labeled. I walk back into the living room and sit down on the couch. Staring into the fire, I know that this is all going to come crashing down around me no matter what I do.
It’s like the universe is conspiring to ruin my life one step at a time. My first twenty-odd years on this planet were productive. The next fifteen years were pretty fucking awesome as well, what with building Xander Corp. from the ground up. But the minute I met Jason Hadley, shit started rolling downhill, and it ended up with me in the slammer. Yeah, it doesn’t get worse than that.
So I want revenge on my old business partner. Because when I first got out of prison, I nearly sprained my neck looking up at the sky. I couldn’t stop. It was a magical expanse, ever-changing with the clouds and the wind. It was like I’d forgotten how beautiful the world can really be, and Jason Hadley did that to me. So I can’t forgive him. I thought I could, living like a hermit in a cabin in the woods. But now, with revenge so close, I’ve realized that I’m not the better man. I’m not Mr. Nice Guy who forgives and forgets. Instead, the animal is still inside. The one that’s ruthless and merciless, with an appetite for destruction. I can destroy Jason Hadley. I can cause pain. But can I do it with Emma sleeping in my bed? Trusting me, giving me her body, while I wreak havoc on her one and only family?
Getting to my feet, I walk silently to the kitchen. Emma doesn’t notice me standing behind her and I’m temporarily lost in the vision of her loveliness. Her curves are perfectly displayed, even in the jeans and hoodie she’s wearing, and her brown curls look as soft as silk.
She has no idea what kind of turmoil she’s bringing to my life.
And she obviously has no idea what’s coming.
When Emma turns around and sees me lurking in the doorway, she jumps and gives an adorable little gasp.
“Dane! You can’t sneak up on me like that!” Emma says softly. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
Before I can apologize, she’s in my arms with her head pressed against my chest.
“Thank you again,” Emma says sweetly. “I have no idea what I would do without you, Dane.”
Acid seeps into my mouth and I put my arms around her. For all I know, this could be the last time that she’s in my embrace.
“I think I’m going to go to bed,” Emma says. She pulls away and yawns as she rubs at her eyes with her fingers. “I know it’s early, but I had a really long day.”
I nod. “I can’t sleep right now. I’ll be in there in a little while.”
Emma nods. She looks disappointed, but there’s no way I could fuck her right now.
Not with Jason Hadley’s face burned onto the front of my brain.
When I wake up, there’s a brief moment where I don’t know where I am. I’m nestled and warm in the blankets and my head is buried tightly beneath one of the pillows, but they’re not covered in my familiar pink silk cases.
Then I remember that I’m in Dane’s cabin in the woods. Opening my eyes, I yawn and sit up. Dane is sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at me.
“Good morning,” I say shyly. I feel awkward and groggy – it always takes me a long time to wake up, and Dane looks like he’s been up for hours. He’s wearing an intense expression and the same plaid shirt as yesterday.
“You were out cold,” Dane says. He gets to his feet without taking his eyes off me. For once, they’re focused on my face instead of my curves and I let the sheet fall away from my breasts in an effort to entice him. But it doesn’t work – Dane strides out of the room.
I frown as I get up and pull on my clothes. They’re freezing cold from being on the floor all night and I shiver as I make my way into the living room. Dane is sitting in front of the fire with a cup of coffee cradled in his hands. He doesn’t look at me as I pass.
It stings – I want Dane’s attention just like I want his love. I want him to grab me and pull me back into the bedroom for a round of hot, passionate sex. But on the other hand, this is all very new. Maybe he’s just getting used to the fact that he’ll be sharing his tiny five-room cabin with a loud girl who craves him.