Page 48 of Nocturnal Flame
“Will you come?”
“I’ll think about it; I’m still mad at you.” My first instinct was to insist, to overpower her the way I knew I could, as much as I hate the thought of it. But before I could make up my mind one way or another, something caught my eye outside the window.
An owl, that damn owl that I now knew heralded ‘their’ presence, and the wind picked up outside with a wail. I felt it, something other, that something that I’d been ignoring all this time, not knowing what it meant, as if something other than myself was playing around at the edges of my being.
Grandpa, is that you? I felt silly even thinking it, but it felt right. The calmness that came over me was not my own, it felt…different, but this was mine to do. In my head, I spoke as if he was there as if he could hear and understand me. ‘Not now; this is between her and I.’ Thunder rolled, and lightning flashed as if in answer, and I relented.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to move in here with you for the time being.” She seemed surprised at my easy acquiescence, but what did she expect when she threw down the gauntlet like that? I couldn’t exactly drag her out of here, not with my child growing inside her. I’m not even sure that the child exists, but the mere idea that he or she does has already given her the upper hand, though she doesn’t know it yet.
I guess this is my penance for the way I’ve treated her over the last year and since coming here this time. It’s my turn to pay for my callous actions, and though she’s not the type, I wouldn’t blame her if she puts me through my paces. Then again, when have I ever given into an opponent this easily before? It’s just not in my nature. If we’re going to fight, then I’m going into battle guns blazing.
“On the other hand, this place is kinda small.” I looked around the room as if giving it some thought. Maybe I’ll just head back over there and leave you to follow when you’re ready.” I eased her off me and got out of bed, fishing around in the dark for my clothes on the floor where I’d dropped them. She didn’t move for the first few seconds, and I thought she was really going to call my bluff, and then…
“Nick!” She sounded hurt, which I did not intend, and I dropped the shirt and kicked my pants off again before going to her.
“You want me to stay? Say it.”
“Yes, I want you to stay.” She said it grudgingly, and I felt like half an ass for not just letting her have this one, but it’s going to take some time for me to learn not to be the way I am, the way I’ve always been.
I wondered as I climbed back into bed with her if the others would show up again, and if they did, would it be different this time now that I knew the truth. Would I be able to sense them now? Or even control things. I’m not sure that I’m okay with what had been told to me; the way things had been explained it seems kind of invasive to me and more than a little bit weird.
The question was answered when I awakened in the morning and looked down at her to see the love bites all over her body, from her neck to between her thighs but had no recollection of putting them there. That and the ache in my cock told me all I needed to know.
She opened tired, bloodshot eyes and smiled at me. I didn’t know how to feel now that I knew what had transpired. I know it’s my body and hers being used, that no one else had touched her, but still… “Do you understand what’s going on? How our bodies are being used?”
“Yes, I was there when Ms. Horton explained everything before my aunt passed away.”
“And you’re fine with it?”
“I guess I didn’t see the harm.”
“Explain it to me; what exactly are we supposed to do for those two?”
“Didn’t she explain everything clearly last night?”
“She did, but I want to hear your take on it.”
“Okay, my understanding is that their spirits have attached themselves to the two of us. They use our bodies as some kind of conduit between their world and ours. From what I know, they won’t interfere with our day-to-day lives, but every once in a while, they’ll meet through us.”
“And how often is this supposed to happen?”
“That I do not know. All I know is that in the beginning, it will be like this, and supposedly as time goes on, if we both accept, then it’s up to us whether they can continue to use us.”