Page 4 of Nocturnal Flame
She turned her head my way as if sensing my stare, and I glanced away. Just don’t open your mouth to me, and we’ll be fine. I’m not sure I can give the old man what he wants, but as long as she stays out of my way, three months isn’t too long to bear with her.
It’s just like the old man to think that taking three months away from all I know is no big deal. True, I can work from anywhere these days, but more than a few days here and there in this sleepy little town would drive me insane. Add her presence, and I just might commit murder.
In the house, we went our separate ways, me to the office and she to wherever the hell it is she slinks away to when she disappears. The last time I’d been here, she slept in the connecting room to the master’s suite, something I’d found odd and was the first thing to set me off about her strange relationship with my grandfather. I felt the old anger coming back and forced myself to focus on something else for now.
I looked up sometime later to find that it had grown dark outside. My stomach rumbled, reminding me that it had been some time since I’d eaten. The woman who comes daily to cook and clean will be long gone by now, but dinner will be waiting for me under the chafing dish used to keep it warm.
I’d spent most of the day rearranging my life in order to fulfill the old man’s wishes, as I’m sure he knew I would. It was no real hardship staying here in the two-hundred-year-old family home that my great-great-great somebody had built. With its old-world charm and many nooks and crannies, it had been a source of adventure for a much younger me.
I hadn’t been back for any length of time since graduating college, and before then, it had only been the odd weekend spent here since the family had moved to the city long before I was born. My mind went back to the last weekend here, and I walked into the dining room in high dudgeon.
She was sitting there, the same place she’s been the last few nights for dinner, still not saying anything and looking nervous as hell. She should; she has no idea if or when I’ll give her the boot, and it seems like a storm is brewing outside. It would serve her scheming ass right if I kicked her out in the middle of inclement weather. ‘Nicholas.’
‘Fine!’ How long does it take before the dead move on? I don’t recall this phenomenon when my parents passed. Maybe it’s because gramps and I had shared such a close bond. One, I never got the chance to form with either parent before they were taken from me.
He’s so angry, and I’m afraid. This isn’t going to work, he has so much anger, so much confusion, and this is all so impossible to believe. I reminded myself that I, too, had found it hard to believe in the beginning. But hadn’t I seen and experienced strange things since my aunt passed?
If I tried to explain it to him, he’d never accept, so I guess I have to trust in Uncle Hal’s assumption that, like me, his grandson would come around. It’s still strange and somewhat frightening to me, and I’ve had time enough to get used to things the way they are now. For someone like him, I can imagine it will be dang near impossible. Only time will tell.
At the first crack of thunder outside the window, I stood from my chair and left the table with the barest nod of my head. My legs shook as I made my way to my room, my heart getting in on the act when I thought of the night to come. I wish I had more time, but according to uncle Hal and my aunt Jan, tonight is the night it all begins. Three days after the passing.
All-day, I’ve felt edgy and, in his presence, needy. I’d like to pretend it’s all because of the attachment, but I know better. From the first time we met, I’ve wanted him, wanted to be near him. Now that need is growing and will only get worst in the days to come.
But what if it doesn’t work? Will I go crazy? Will I spend the rest of my days in some kind of twisted lust limbo? I wanted so badly to call Mrs. Horton and ask one last time if there was any way out of this, to take back my promise to the aunt who’d been my rock, but I knew that I won’t.
I took a shower as the rafters shook under the force of the wind, and the house seemed to come alive around me. What’s Nick feeling? Does he suspect? Has he started experiencing the strangeness yet? The hardest part of this whole mess is being the only one who knows.