Page 29 of Nocturnal Flame
I pulled her nipples hard and refused to touch her anywhere else on her chest since it was all covered like the animal had tried to maul her. You’d think my dick would deflate as angry as I was, and with the visions in my head of some other man fucking her, but no, the anger seemed to feed my erection, making it stand up tall as I plowed into her belly over and over again, ignoring her cries because even as she cried, her pussy never stopped juicing and squeezing my cock like a vise.
When I was done with her, after I came, I just pulled out and left her there on the bed, disgusted with myself now that the haze of lust had receded, and I could think straight again. I didn’t look at her, didn’t offer her any words of comfort as I got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.
“You have to tell him. I can’t take it any longer; he hates me.”
“It’s going to be okay; from what you say, he’s becoming aware; just give him some time, a few more days. You can handle it, can’t you?” I bit back the cry of pain and gave her the answer she needed. When I agreed to this, knowing how hard it might be before it got better, if it ever did get better, I didn’t know how I would feel seeing the look of hate and betrayal on Nick’s face.
I only looked ahead to the good times when he accepted the truth and went back to looking at me the way he used to before he saw what he thought he saw. That’s the Nick I was holding onto, the Nick I’d foolishly given my heart to the day we met. But now, his hate, his anger, when will he ever get over it?
It’s true that I thought he was coming out of the fog, that he was coming to realize the truth about our nighttime trysts. I was almost certain that last night would’ve been it, but instead, he’s even angrier than he was before. But still, today, it was Nick who’d taken me, not a dream, not two attached souls meeting the only way they can, just Ellie and Nick.
Even with the pain, there’s still a sweet feeling inside that we’d finally been together. That I’d finally been aware this time and felt his touch. Now I know how those marks I find on my body in the mornings get there, and even as sore as I am now, the memory of it made my pussy cream and itch for his cock again.
I must be a glutton for punishment. How could I want that? To be treated as nothing more than a receptacle for him to use? Why does my body even now yearn for him, to feel him pounding into me hard and rough? I held my hand against myself and turned to press it hard against my pussy.
I burned and ached for his touch, but I knew it wasn’t to be. I made my way slowly into the bathroom to let the shower ease the ache between my thighs and wept for what would never be as I let the water cascade over my head and down my body.
She was gone when I came back, and I felt both relief and regret. There was a knot in my gut that won’t quit, and my mind kept going around in circles. I kept trying to fit the pieces together, but each time I did, my head started to ache. So, I decided to try as hard as I could to recall the little bits and flashes of insight that I’d come up with so far and put them in some semblance of order.
The first thing I recall from the first video is the fact that I’d been walking like my grandfather, with some of his mannerisms noticeable, especially his posture. I remember smelling like the smoke from his cigars some nights, and always there was the taste and smell of a woman on me. I know I go wandering in the night only to wake up smelling like sex with the taste of a woman on me, in me.
And now, today, she’s covered in love bites, and her pussy had been hot and swollen before I fucked her the first time in the dining room. Somebody had fucked and fucked her hard. The more I line all those things up, the more a picture begins to form, and it’s not pretty.
I could feel the anger building in me as I stood there, not liking where my thoughts were going one bit.
It was time I accepted what was right before my eyes, what had been there all along, only I refused to see it. The only question now was just, what the fuck is going on here? How is she doing it? Am I under some kind of hallucinogenic? Is she somehow manipulating me either chemically or organically? But if so, how? And why?