Page 11 of Nocturnal Flame
I rushed to the house to confront her, not quite sure of how or even why she would be the one. I stopped dead in my tracks when the answer came to me. “This grimy bitch!” I kicked her bedroom door open, almost taking it off its hinges. “You dare?” I started to light into her, but she was out cold on the bed. She didn’t even stir at my loud exclamation. Not her; what the hell? Then who?
She looked small and helpless, curled into herself with a heating pad or some crap pressed to her stomach. I’d forgotten all about her being sick; now I feel like a heel. But who could blame me for the conclusion I’d drawn? Who else would be trying to steal my seed?
I took drastic measures that night when I went to bed. I’d skipped dinner, my mind too preoccupied to even think about food, and was way more unsettled than I’d like to admit. I put a chair beneath the door and made sure it was locked. I even contemplated tying myself to the bed but thought that was going a bit too far.
Sleep evaded me most of the night until a strong wind kicked up outside, knocking the leaves on the branches of the large magnolia tree gently against the windows. The sound was somehow soothing, and all my efforts to stay awake were in vain; and it wasn’t long before my eyes grew too heavy to stay open, and I drifted.
I fell into another one of those erotic dreams where she was once again waiting for me. I know it had to be a dream because there was no way she could get through the barricaded door. For some reason, each time I walked toward her to ask about the strange things that had been happening, I lost my train of thought.
Ideas and images kept flitting through my head, all of them of me fucking her in some variation or another. I tried fighting them off, those scenes in my head, but they were too strong. Then she climbed down off the bed and came towards me and her scent, that pleasant smell that tickles my senses and invokes memories that somehow seem new and yet remembered.
I reached out to touch her, my palm cupping her soft cheek. She looked like Ellie, but for the barest of seconds, I thought I saw someone else looking back at me. That look, something about it, beckoned, and I found myself falling into her eyes until I was lost.
I woke up in bed the next morning, but the chair was pulled away from the door, which was now wide open. What the hell? Ghosts! Gramps is fucking with me, got to be. I’m not about to go down that rickety slope because who knows where the hell I’d end up, but what else could be going on in this house?
I tried to remember everything that had happened so far, but most of it was a blank. I could only seem to remember waking up in strange places, places I don’t remember going. That could be sleepwalking, as I thought the first time it happened.
That doesn’t explain the pussy smell and taste, though, so back to square one. One thing was certain; the door had been unlocked from my side. I sat there wondering just what the hell was happening to me when a sudden, very disturbing thought struck.
I jumped up from the bed in horror, my eyes going to the open door as fear and disbelief crept into my gut. Have I been attacking women while I sleep? The nauseating thought sent me rushing to my laptop to look for any news in the town and neighboring cities.
I breathed a sigh of relief when there was none, but the idea wouldn’t leave, so I did the only thing that made sense, I ordered cameras for my room to be delivered later that day.
He’s changing. I noticed it last night when he came to me. It’s as if he’s fighting himself, trying to hold on, but I know better than anyone just how futile that is. It’s only a matter of time now; I guess, before he learns the truth.
I can’t be the one to tell him that won’t go over too well, but with him behaving this way, I know it’s only a matter of time before she makes her approach. I hadn’t seen her in days, not since the funeral when she reminded me that it was about to start, but I knew from all that I’d been told that this was the first sign of him being awakened to the truth.
My tummy trembled at the thought of what would happen then. The others had said it takes getting used to in the beginning, but as time goes on, you realize that this strange spirit attachment doesn’t interfere with your everyday life.