Page 50 of The Gambler
He studied the layout as he went, just in case they had to make their escape. Who knows what the fuck was gonna happen here today?
He found her behind door number four. It was her scent that gave her away. Looking around the hallway to make sure no one was watching him, he jimmied the hundred-year old lock and eased the door open.
“Jenna what the fuck?” She’d been waiting for him, or someone. The glock she had pointed at his head was testament to that. Apparently it wasn’t him she’d been expecting because her face went through a gamut of emotions as she lowered the gun.
Joy, fear, weariness, were just a few that he caught as he made his way across the room to stand in front of her. He had this all worked out in his head. He was going to yell at her and maybe spank her ass for running off like this. But all he could do was pull her in hard and hold her while his heart was finally free to freak the fuck out.
“Angel okay.” She ran her hands up and down his back soothingly. What the hell was he going to do with this girl? The questions would have to wait for later, right now, having her safe in his arms was all he cared about. He lifted her and covered her mouth with his, holding her as close as was possible, before taking her down to the little bed behind them. She was just as hungry for him as they tore at each other’s clothes, both refusing to leave the other’s mouth.
“Wait baby.” He tried to calm things down a bit, but she wasn’t having it. She pulled his mouth back to hers and wrapped her legs around him as he entered her swiftly. Then and only then did he feel like he could take a real breath. Lifting his body away from hers, he looked down at her, smoothing the hair back from her face even as he stroked in and out of her.
Her eyes welledup with tears as she smiled up at him, her body moving sensually beneath his. He tried to go slow, to give her the same loving tender care he did at home, but maybe because of the long search, the fear of what might’ve happened to her. He had no idea what it was, but he couldn’t hold back.
The old bed banged into the wall behind it as he fucked harder and harder into her, releasing the pent up fear that had been his companion for the last few hours. When he thought that maybe he should take it easy, that he might be hurting or scaring her with his wildness, she was with him all the way. Her nails dug into his back pulling him closer, her heels made dents in his ass; but it was her soft murmurs of Angel more that spurred him on to madness.
His girl took everything he had to give and then some. By the time he spilled inside her, she had screamed into his mouth not once, but twice. He stayed in and on her as his breathing finally calmed down. Kissing her face lovingly, he started to pull out, but she tightened around him until he looked down at her.
“Angel stay.”
“Angel’s going to beat your ass. What are you doing in Cuba baby?” She wasn’t looking too sure of herself now; in fact her face was set in some kind of frown that he hadn’t seen before. “Angel nice, don’t hit.” Shit he’d forgotten how literal she took things. Of course like the sap he had become, he rushed to reassure her that he would never do such a thing.
“No mylittle Jenna, Angel will never hit his baby.” She seemed happy enough to have got her way and he was finally able to pull out of her and sit up. He pulled her into his lap for one last kiss before standing her on her feet. He finally got a good look at the hovel she was staying in and turned up his nose. He couldn’t believe he’d just taken her in a place like this. They needed to get the fuck out of there; no way was he letting her stay here.
He told her to get her shit together and follow him. Downstairs, they met up with the others and after a quick exchange with the bartender they left the dump. The day was really getting off now and it probably wasn’t too safe for them to be seen. He still didn’t know who she was here to see, where they were, nothing. In the back of the car he questioned her using the phone. He let her know that he knew what she was up to.
She tried arguing with him at first, until he told her that he’d put her little ass on the plane and take her home. She gave him a look and folded her arms, fuming. Who the fuck is this girl? She seemed to have a million different personas, she was the innocent, the lover that outshone all others, the computer wiz, the gambler and apparently a pilot, a fighter and who the fuck knew what else.
‘I know what I’m doing.’ He read the latest words on his phone.
‘I don’t care, you’re not going off anywhere by yourself, now tell me what I want to know, or I’ll hogtie you and take you back to the States. If you want to save your dad you’ll start talking. NOW.’
She decided to go with the silent, mouth zipped and arms folded approach. “Take us back to theairfield.” She actually reached for the door handle when he gave that order. He grabbed her around the middle and dragged her into his lap to keep her in the car. They were on their way to a villa that grandpa supposedly owned, while he’d been upstairs reacquainting himself with his little dynamo. He didn’t know where the fuck he was, and had no interest in trying to hunt her down again.
He had to keep a hold of her all the way there, as she struggled and kicked up a fuss. He guessed he was finally getting a taste of what life with her was going to be like. He was wondering how long this side of her would manifest itself. Too bad for her, he was an expert at dealing with the temper tantrums of the truly gifted. Though hers seemed to be the mother of all tantrums.
She was so cute, not a word was said, she just stiffened up her body and usedher strength to hold him off. It was almost like watching an action movie with the sound on mute. She made not a sound as she pulled his arms from around her each time he replaced them, or when she tried to stomp a hole in his foot.
Not even when she reached up and around his neck, and tried to put him out with her finger over his pulse, did she utter a word. It was hot as fuck in Havana and their little struggle was making him even hotter. Gramps the ass was watching and laughing, that’s why he couldn’t calm her ass down in the way he would’ve preferred. Instead he bit into her neck gently, which got her attention.
“Angel loves his Jenna.” The words seemed to deflate her and knock the fight out of her. She switched off like he’d turned a key or something in her back, like a wind up toy. He kept his arms around her, as she sat mutely on his lap. She hadn’t said a word about why she was here, and he was waiting until they were alone and behind closed doors to broach the subject.
Chapter 29
The place looked like a throwback to an earlier time, something you’d see in an old black and white Hollywood flick with Bogart or Grant. There were palm trees lining the driveway to the two story wooden structure, with its peeling white paint and pale pink shutters. “She use to be a grand old lady back in the day.”
That was Gramps’ first words as they left the car. There were men and women in uniform, who came out to meet them, and who seemed a little confused by the fact that no one had any luggage. In fact Jenna was the only one with a satchel, which he was dying to get his hands on.
He had to figure out a way to get the information out of her, and then convince her to stay behind while he went after her dad. Her mother had explained why she thought Jenna wouldn’t get him involved, but she had to know that now that he was here, there was no way he was going to let her take such risks.
As soon as the door closed behind them in the room they’d been shown to, he backed her up against the wall, crowding her. She gave him one of her disarming smiles, the little sneak. “Oh no you don’t little flower; what’s in the bag?” He took it off her shoulder even as she tried to hold onto it. “Jenna, you’re not going anywhere, try to get that through your head. I will go after your dad and bring him back. Now tell me who has him and what it is they want from you?”
She shook her head in the negative and folded her lips. How could she be so innocent one minute and so…whatever the fuck she is, the next. Not more than an hour ago she’d been a wanton beneath him, now she was an innocent, who thought that by folding her lips she could keep him at bay.
“Fine then, if you won’t tell me, then we’re going home, but you’re not putting yourself in any more danger.” He didn’t look at her when she stomped her foot, or when she tried turning his chin so that he had to look at her. “No Jenna, and you’re in enough trouble as it is so I’d quit while I was ahead if I were you.” He finally got the bag open and was amazed at what he found.
It was a kill kit. There was a broken down weapon with a silencer, rope, something that looked like a grenade and clothes that looked familiar. He wondered where she’d got the specialized Kevlarsuit from, but now wasn’t the time to ask. He shook his head as he looked at her. Everything he’d thought they were going to be had changed. How the fuck was he going to deprogram her ass?
Here he was looking forward to a life of peace and quiet, and his wife to be was damn near a lethal weapon. “Come here.” He pulled her down next to him on the bed and looked into her eyes so she could gauge the seriousness of what he was about to say.