Page 81 of Fever Dream
“You’re aware he was having an affair?”I ask.
“Yes, but he’s still your husband.”
“On paper.”I set the last of the boxes down.
“He’s the father of your children, Grace.”
“Yes,” I say.“He is that.I’m not ready to forgive him, Edith.I don’t think I’ll ever be.”
I pause to make sure she’s following.“But even if I were, he’s in love with Darcy Branson.”For effect, I smile and say, “Our neighbor.”
“He’s just confused,” his father says.“He’ll come around.”
“Maybe,” I say.“But either way, I can’t really be bothered to care.”
“You can’t just leave him,” his father tells me.“He needs you right now.”
“I’m not leaving,” I say.“I’m just taking a little day trip.”
“The children?”my father-in-law asks.
“They’re with Alice.”
“Why don’t you leave them with us,” Edith pleads.“It’d be good for Charles.”
“That’s very kind,” I say.“But I don’t think so.”