Page 46 of Fever Dream
Chapter Twenty-Four
Dr.Jay Branson
Journal Entry
At approximately 0900 hours, Mrs.Grace Solomon arrived for her session.She appeared calm and content, not exactly excitable, but like she had turned a corner.I am pleased to see the treatments are working.“Grace, there has been a recent development I think we should talk about.”
“The children?They’ve found them?”
She looked so hopeful; it was almost impossible to have to let her down.“No, I’m sorry.It’s not that.”
“Then what?Charles?”
I shook my head.“Not exactly.”
“Okay?”She sighed.“What, then?”
“The maps you told me about.It makes more sense now.”
She folded her hands across her chest indignantly.
“Do you watch the television, Grace?In the common area?”
“Not if I can help it.”
“Then you wouldn’t know.We’re experiencing a great crisis.”
“Tell me about it.”
“The Soviets have put missiles off the coast of Cuba.We may very soon be at war.”
She sucked in a deep breath and held it, her hands falling into her lap.“Oh, God.”
“I don’t know how you would have known this.”
“Unless I were telling the truth.”
“Unless you’re Russian.”
“What?”Her head cocked.“That’s crazy.”
“I checked out your family, Grace.No one has heard of you having a sister named Alice.In fact, prior to your enrollment in college, I haven’t been able to find much about you at all.”
“This is absurd,” she said with a scoff.“Absolutely absurd.”
“Is it?”
“I think you’re pointing to the wrong person.”
“Is it possible that Charles found out?”
“Found out what?”
“That you weren’t who you said you were.”
She narrowed her eyes.She appeared to want to say something, but held it back.
“Or were the two of you working together?”