Page 33 of Fever Dream
For a moment, I see Wagnon’s face as she tries to pry Joy off her.It’s twisted in pain, but then a shot of adrenaline appears to give her the strength to pull free.She crawls to the observation window, one hand glued to her scalp, and presses her face against the glass.“Help!”she shouts.“Get help!Unlock the fucking door!”she screams.
“Get off the floor,” Joy says, shoving Wagnon into the door.Though she looks and acts much like a child, Joy is a large woman.
I watch in horror as she raises one foot in the air and then rams it into the back of Wagnon’s head.Blood spurts everywhere.Wagnon lets out a death cry, and her body collapses fully to the floor.Joy runs for the door.Oh God, I thought, she’s nuts.
The door buzzes open, and Joy sucker-punches the orderly who tries to stop her.
I stuff several paper cups filled with pills in my pocket and then grab the cart and wheel it to the door.I don’t want anyone else getting the same idea.I don’t have time to wait for a nurse, nor do I care to stick around and guard it myself.I need to get to Joy and stop her from killing Wagnon or anyone else.
She runs faster than me, but eventually I catch up.She tries to scramble for the stairs, but I grab her shirt, calling her back.I don’t know what they would do with an escapee.Is this like prison, where they shoot you on the spot?I have no idea, and I am certain Joy doesn’t either.
"Joy," I say."We haven't finished our game.And, remember, I'm winning."
"No, you're not."
Several orderlies appear then and I hold up my hand, trying to keep them at bay.Joy is standing on the top step.One misstep and I fear she may go tumbling down the stairs.There’s a voice in the back of my head telling me to let her go.It’s screaming I should go with her.Stupidly, I ignore it.I didn't know then what I know now.
Joy sobs.Her face is a mess of tears.“Elizabeth is going to escape,” she tells me.“She’s going to escape, and I want to come with her.”
I smile sadly.“But then, who will I play checkers with?No one is as good as you.”
“Yes,” she says, nodding her head.“No one is as good as me.”
I reach my hand out, and she takes it.It turns out to be the second biggest mistake of my life.