Page 32 of Somewhere With You
“The men?”
She laughed. “Yes. Especially the men.”
“So you’re seeing someone, then?”
She shook her head slightly. “No. Not at the moment.”
Jack pressed his lips together.
“What about you? What are you up to these days?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.
“Oh, you know… mostly more of the same. The Harrison Groups has expanded a little bit. We’re in twelve cities now… and look to be in another five by the end of this year… so that’s keeping me pretty busy.”
“Just a little, huh.” she teased. “Last I knew you were in one city.” Amelie raised her brow. “You’re living in Austin, I hear?”
“Yep. Downtown, actually. I can see now why you always loved it so.”
She sighed. “Yeah. I haven’t been back there lately. I hear it’s grown a lot though.”
“Growth is good for business, so I’m happy with it.”
“I just accepted a job with Travel Life Magazine. They’re one of the most widely read travel magazines in the world. Have you heard of ‘em?”
He considered her question for a moment. “No, I don’t believe I have.” He swallowed the last of the champagne in his glass. “But I’ll definitely be checking them out now.” Jack refilled both of their glasses and held his up. “To new jobs, New Orleans, and growth. To us.” She clinked her glass with his and took a sip.
There was a natural lull in the conversation. “Let’s go for a swim,” she urged, her voice low.
“But we don’t have suits,” Jack remarked.
“Who needs suits? You have underwear on, don’t you?” She smiled, deviously. “It’s practically the same thing…”
Jack pursed his lips. “You haven’t changed one bit.”
She raised her eyebrows, shrugged, and slipped out of her dress. “Perhaps… you should wait until I’m in my underwear before you decide that...”
But Jack was right. She hadn’t changed a bit. He followed suit, removed his jeans, unbuttoned his shirt, and dove in.
It could’ve been the champagne or perhaps the fact that they were just so damned happy to see each other, but they giggled about everything and nothing all the way back to Amelie’s room. At her door, Jack stopped and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll ring you for breakfast in the morning,” he offered.
Amelie eyed him wistfully. “You’re not coming in…?”
He stared at the floor. “Nah. I don’t think so. I’m beat.”
Jack hesitated, and then spoke, his voice sullen. “I’m glad I came, though. It’s really good to see you.”
She walked over to him and lightly ran her hand down his chest. “But you haven’t come yet.” Maybe it was the jetlag, or the champagne, or the fact that he was half-dressed but Amelie decided right then and there that she wanted him. She grinned. “You’re not getting off that
easy, Jack Harrison.” She raised one eyebrow suggestively and continued. “Unless, of course, you want to.”
And just like that, he was on her, pushing her against the wall, he ran his hand up her thigh. “Key card?” Stunned, Amelie didn’t move. “Key card, damn it,” he ordered. “Give me the key card.”
Amelie fumbled for it. Jack reached for her tiny clutch and took it from her, deftly fishing it out. “Ah, he said, holding up the key card. He opened the door and motioned her in before him. He let the door close behind them not taking his eyes off hers, and then took a step forward. She searched his face for a brief moment, her eyes lingering over his lips wondering how many unspoken words lie within them. Suddenly, Jack gripped her forearms and pushed her backward into the wall, hard. He tore at her panties, wrestled with his pants, and once satisfied, he searched her eyes for approval. She nodded, and he thrust into her. Pressing his mouth to hers, he kissed her like she hadn’t been kissed, well… ever. She tasted the familiar metallic taste of blood as he pulled away. He bit into her shoulder as he grabbed her hips and thrust forward. She matched pain with pain, as she dug her nails into his back. Jack groaned, and with one hand, he pinned her arms above her head and pressed his face into her neck as he thrust once more, and then slowed. Sixty seconds later, they found themselves in a messy heap on the floor.
“I don’t understand how you could just leave like that,” he finally said.
“I don’t understand how you could just ignore my letters?” she hissed.