Page 10 of Somewhere With You
After a while, she finally spoke. “Jack?”
He looked over. Damn, she was beautiful. Which is exactly why he was in this mess, he thought. “What is it now?”
“I have to pee.”
Jack pulled off at the next exit and into a gas station. Amelie looked confused. “Are we out of gas?”
“No. Why?”
She looked at him as though he were the densest person on the planet. “Because we’re at a gas station.”
Jack shrugged. “Yeah. You said you had to pee.”
“I can’t pee here!” she shrieked. “Gas stations are filthy. I’ll catch god knows what in there!”
Jack shook his head as though maybe he hadn’t heard her. “You’re seriously shitting me, right?”
Amelie frowned. “No. I am not shitting you. I can’t go to the bathroom here.”
He blew out every last drop of air he had stored in his lungs and put the car in reverse. “All right, fine. Tell me… where you can pee then, Princess?”
Amelie pointed at a restaurant across the street. “Over there.” She let out an exaggerated laugh. “Geez, you know nothing at all about women, do you, Jack? In the future, for the love of god and all women, puhleeze take a girl some place decent if she has to use the ladies room. We’re not like you guys. We can’t just whip it out and go wherever. Restaurants are usually a safe bet. Their bathrooms are cleaner than your average place because they have a reputation to uphold. Gas stations, they could care less. People buy gas regardless. But people generally do not eat in filth.”
Jack rolled his eyes. “Great. I learn something new every day...”
She winked at him. “Glad I could be of service.”
He watched her disappear into the restaurant. Although he wouldn’t go thro
ugh with it, Jack knew if he were smart, he would just leave now and let her find her own way home. That girl was nothing but trouble. And he was in for a world of it.
After twenty minutes passed, and Amelie hadn’t come out, Jack furiously went in after her. He found her standing just outside the restrooms on the pay phone. When she saw him coming toward her, Jack noticed something on her face shift, though he couldn’t quite read her expression. Amelie abruptly hung up the phone and practically ran toward him with a huge grin plastered across her face.
“Who were you talking to?” Jack asked.
“Two things. First, what do you think of this voice?” She changed her voice so much she gave off a bad British accent. She didn’t pause long enough to allow him to answer the question. “And I called Camp Hope.”
Jack stared. “And?”
She clapped her hands and grinned. “And they bought it.”
He stepped closer and grabbed her wrist. “They bought WHAT, Amelie?” Jack demanded through gritted teeth.
“Ouch.” She wiggled her wrist away, stepped up on her tippy toes, leaned forward, and kissed him on the forehead. His mother used to do that. “Oh, Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack… you have GOT to lighten up. Come on, I’ll fill you in in the car,” she said and turned on her heel without waiting to see if he’d follow. He watched her walk right out the door.
Of course, Jack followed. What choice did he have when she said his name like that?
Back in the car, Amelie placed her hand on top of his. Jack stared at it but didn’t make a move to pull away. “Ok, so… I need to tell you something. But first, you’re going to have to promise that you won’t be mad. Promise me you’ll keep an open mind.”
He pulled his hand away suddenly. “I’m not promising you anything.”
“Jack, please.”
He shook his head. “Nope. Just tell me what you did. No more games, all right?” Whatever it was, of course he was going to be mad.
“Fine. I’ll tell you. But you can only freak out for a second. Just get it over with and be done with it, ok?”
Although he tried his best not to show it, Jack had to admit that he was amused. He cocked his head to the side and raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t respond.